India is in the initial years of a new millennium, making tremendous strides in the sphere of technological advancement, digitization and globalization. As a result of this change in dynamics the challenges she has to contend with are immense in the international arena.

Academic institutions have a vital role to play in assisting the youth of today in realizing their potential in order to enable them to fulfill their destined roles on the world stage.

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law maintains high standards of academic excellence. This is evidenced in the nature of the curricular and co-curricular activities initiated in the institution and the excellent academic infrastructure. The staff strives to engender in youth a grand vision with skills to translate this vision into reality. Along with this journey of self discovery is nurtured a true spirit of enquiry, development of analytical skills and agile reasoning abilities. The pedagogy is fine tuned to achieving these ends.

Our goal is to help create individuals with a keen social consciousness individuals who are progressive, forward thinking, and positive citizens of the world, capable of practising before the Courts, providing legal advice, competent in legal drafting, participating in legal proceedings in order to frontrunners in legal education.

Amrish Patel