1. Library Online Public Access Catalogue Link: http://koha.svkms.ac.in

The Library Catalogue is available at all times on and off campus. Access to the library catalogue is available via library website (WEB OPAC) from anywhere, and the use of the Online Public Access Catalogues (OPAC Terminals) is spread throughout the library. This is a web-based tool with which you may:

  • locate a book by title and/or author or a journal
  • see whether the item is currently on the shelf or on loan
  • place a reservation if the item is on loan
  • browse author names or particular subjects
  • note the Class No. which is on the spine of the book/journal
  • identify whether the item belongs to Reference, General or Textbook Section
  • Seek the help of staff in case of difficulty

2. Student portal LMS: https://portal.svkm.ac.in

3. E-Resources and Databases: https://svkm.mapmyaccess.com


  • Westlaw Asia (3rd party link : On clicking you will be leaving pgcl.ac.in website)

College subscribes Westlaw Asia for past 8 years. This remote access to shared databases, such as Westlaw Asia, offers a unique collection of regional and international resources providing clarity on the legal environment, comprising case laws, legislation, journals, current awareness, commentary, and news.

Westlaw Asia provides a unique portal to search across multiple countries within a single search. This is an ideal tool for comparative law research, and a significant time saver. Businesses and legal practitioners in ASEAN will have a greater need to access laws, regulations, and judicial systems of their Southeast Asian neighbours, particularly relating to business and commercial law, as well as of major trade partners such as China, Japan, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The Westlaw Asia platform currently covers the following jurisdictions: Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and the UK. Westlaw Asia also integrates content from Westlaw UK and Westlaw Next, thereby offering users a comprehensive collection of regional as well as international resources which provide clarity on the legal environment, wherever they may be doing business.

  • Manupatra.com (3rd party link : On clicking you will be leaving pgcl.ac.in website)

Manupatra is a comprehensive online legal and business policy database. It contains judgments of the Supreme Court of India, High Courts of Indian States, Tribunals, Commissions and Commission and Committee Reports, Gazette Notifications, Circulars, Bare Acts, Rules and Regulation, Ordinance and Pending Cases and Legal material on subject based research as well as e-books on commentaries. It provides comprehensive search techniques including Manu Search, Legal Search, Citation Search and Act Search.

  • Hein Online (3rd party link : On clicking you will be leaving pgcl.ac.in website)

Hein Online is a premier online database containing more than 145 million pages and 150,000 titles of legal history and government documents in a fully searchable, image-based format. Hein Online bridges the gap in historical research by providing comprehensive coverage of more than 2,400 law-related periodicals. In addition to law journals, Hein Online contains the entire Congressional Record, Federal Register, and Code of Federal Regulations, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, and databases dedicated to treaties, constitutions, case law, world trials, classic treatises, international trade, foreign relations and U.S. Presidents.

  • Live Law.in (3rd party link : On clicking you will be leaving pgcl.ac.in website)

Livelaw is comprehensive legal news portal which is commited to provide accurate and the honest news about the legal developments. LiveLaw began in 2013 with a mission of making legal reporting more accurate, transparent and accessible to common man. It gives Latest updates on Supreme COurt, Highcourts decisions, Legal news, Articles and stories on legal topics. It also covers activities of law schools and law firms. It has sections like know the law, law relat5ed book reviews, international law, consumer cases, environmental issues, law job updates which may help a law student’s career.


  • E-brary

The library at PGCL has shared access to an online digital library of full texts of over 100,000 scholarly e-books that combine scholarly books from over 435 academic, trade, and professional publishers for customers to distribute their own PDF content online. The E-brary offers a wide variety of content across many subject areas, especially in business and social sciences. It acquires integrated collections of e-books and other content. The Ebrary continues to add quality e-books and other authoritative titles to its collection from the world’s leading academic and professional publishers. For Manual on how to use e-brary, please contact the librarian.

  • Pearson E-Books:

Pearson Library offers an entire section of 4000 e-books for our institute. It’s a shared access.

C. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL  DATABASE (3rd party links below : On clicking you will be leaving pgcl.ac.in website)

4. College Official Website: https://www.pgcl.ac.in/

5. E-Books (Subscribed by Institute during Covid-19)

  •    Logic Book (K.T. Basantani) https://sheth.flipick.com/

6. E- Journals (3rd party link : On clicking you will be leaving pgcl.ac.in website)