Dr. Navashikha Duara
- Promoted from Academic level 12 (Assistant Professor) to Academic Level 13A Associate Professor with effect from April 2024.
- Appointed as Member of Expert Committee by University of Mumbai for Poddar Brio College of Law, Badlapur on 21st March, 2024.
- Appointed as Convenor of Expert Committee by University of Mumbai for Reena Mehta College of Law on 2nd December, 2023.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic The International Law & Management Research Conference on Business Environment, Governance & Sustainability, Ethical Practices & Compliances in the Dynamic Global Markets organised by Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute of Financial & Management Studies in Collaboration with the University of Mumbai Law Academy on 1st & 2nd September, 2023.
- Participated in Seminar on Cyber Crime, Cyber security & Cyber Forensics on 19th August, 2023.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic “The Situation in Afghanistan with special reference to the recognition of the Taliban’s Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan under International Law organized by the Public Concern for Governance Trust (PCGT) in association with The Government Law College, Mumbai, (GLC) on 12th July, 2023.
Dr. Suman Kalani
- Promoted from Academic level 12 (Assistant Professor) to Academic Level 13A Associate Professor with effect from April 2024.
- awarded as the best presenter for the presentation on topic “Automated Systems for resolving MSME Disputes” at ODR Policy Summit organised by SGT University in collaboration with CUTS International on 6th April, 2024.
- Invited to deliver a talk on “Intellectual Property Rights: Safeguarding Your Business Assets.” at Mulund College of Commerce on 22nd March, 2024.
- Invited as guest at Dalmia College of Commerce and Economics to conduct a workshop on Intellectual Property Rights on 2nd February, 2024
- invited as a resource person on the workshop India Australia Partnership on AI Quantum and Critical Technologies Enabling Digital Economy hosted by Maharashtra National Law University on 2nd December, 2023.
- invited as a resource person on the topic Cultivating Competencies for Global Legal Excellence at the 18th Biyani International Conference hosted by Biryani Group of Colleges on 30th November, 2023.
- participated in The National Seminar on “Criminal Law and Criminal Justice System – Contemporary Challenges” Jointly organised by Svkm’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law’s Criminial Law Forum & “The Indian Society of Criminology Mumbai branch on 25th September, 2023.
- Invited to judge 7th edition of the Online National Negotiation Competition organized by Society for Young Advocates and Researchers (SYAR India) has announced in collaboration with Khaitan & Co, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas, J. Sagar Associates, Dentons Link Legal and Presolv360 on 30th September, 2023.
- participated in Seminar on Cyber Crime, Cyber security & Cyber Forensics on 19th August, 2023.
Dr. Geeta Kubsad
- Promoted from Academic level 12 (Assistant Professor) to Academic Level 13A Associate Professor with effect from April 2024.
- Serving as an Evaluation Panel Member at The 7th International Conference on Future of Women 2024 “Transforming Women’s World: Practices and Possibilities” organised by The International Institute of Knowledge Management on 22nd & 23rd February, 2024.
- Delivered a Guest Lecture at Thakur Ram Narayan College of Law as part of Workshop on Research Methodology on the Topic ‘Tools & Techniques of Research on 20th January, 2024.
- Appointed as Member of Expert Committee by University of Mumbai for victor Dantas Law College, Kudal on 30th January, 2024.
- Appointed as Member of Expert Committee by University of Mumbai for Poddar Brio College of Law, Badlapur on 21st March, 2024.
- Granted Recognition as a Teacher to guide student for the Ph.D Degree in the subject of Law though department of Law, University of Mumbai on 27th March, 2024.
- Appointed by University of Mumbai as Member of Expert Committee for Poddar Brio College of Law on 6th December, 2023.
- Appointed as Member of Expert Committee by Shri N G Acharya College of Law on 25th November, 2023.
- Invited as serving as a Session Chair & Evaluation Panel Member in The 6th International Conference on Gender & Sexuality 2023 “Gender and Sexuality in the 21st Century: Why does it Matter” on 19th – 20th October, 2023 Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Invited as Panel of Judges for the Grand Finale of Prajatantra 2023 on 28th & 29th October, 2023
- Participated in Seminar on Cyber Crime, Cyber security & Cyber Forensics on 19th August, 2023.
- Successfully completed National Faculty Development Programme on topic “Enhancing Research Impact: National FDP on Grant Writing, IPR, and Publication Strategies,” organized by the School of Technology Management & Engineering, NMIMS Indore, in association with Central Training – SVKM on 31st July to 5th August, 2023.
- Participated in International Workshop on Criminal Profiling organised by South Asian Society of Criminology & Victimology (SASCV) on 29th & 30th July, 2023.
Mrs. Kavita Sharma
- Participated in The National Seminar on “Criminal Law and Criminal Justice System – Contemporary Challenges” Jointly organised by Svkm’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law’s Criminial Law Forum & “The Indian Society of Criminology Mumbai branch on 25th September, 2023.
- Dr. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, was invited as Panel Member for the National Lok Adalat at City Civil Court on 9th September, 2023.
- Dr. Navashikha Duara I/c. Principal, Dr. Suman Kalani I/c. Vice Principal, Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Dr. Mrs. Geeta Kubsad, Ms. Anju Singh, Ms. Apurva Thakur, Dr. Kavita Rai, Dr. Vanita Agarwal, Ms. Rachi Singh & Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar participated in Seminar on Cyber Crime, Cyber security & Cyber Forensics on 19th August, 2023.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor invited at IDP study abroad Conference on 10th February, 2024
Dr. Anju Singh
- Invited and delivered a guest lecture at Smt. Mithibai Motiramkundnani College of Commerce & Economics, Bandra, West. Delivered a lecture on POSH – The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 on the 11th March, 2024.
- Awarded Ph.D. on the topic “A Critical analysis of Indian Environment laws though Jurisprudence of Green Criminology” by University of Mumbai in February 2024
- Delivered a Guest Lecture at Thakur Ram Narayan College of Law as part of Workshop on Research Methodology on the Topic “Use of ICT in Research & Academic Writing” on 20th January 2024.
- Participated at the webinar titled “Simplify OBE-PO-CO Journey + AI-backed QP Generation with CO’s & BTL’s on 22nd December 2023.
- Participated at the CCEM Global Tipping Point Summit held supported by JBCN International School HSNC University Mumbai on 6th October, 2023.
- Presented a research paper Titled “Criminalisation of Indian Environmental Laws: An Investigation and Analysis of NCRB Reported Environmental Crimes” at International Law and Management Research Governance & Sustainability, Ethical Practices & Compliance in the Dynamic Global of Markets organised by Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute of Financial & Management Studies in Collaboration with the University of Mumbai Law Academy on 1st & 2nd September, 2023
- Participated in Seminar on Cyber Crime, Cyber security & Cyber Forensics on 19th August, 2023.
- Appointed as reviewer of Ms. Neha Dhuru’s researched article titled “Women’s Rights Under the Hindu Succession Law in India contribution to Xplore 2023, Research Journal of ST. XAVIER’S College on 31st July, 2023
Dr. Apurva Thakur
- Published paper entitled “Book Review: These Seats are reserved by Dr Abhinav Chandrachud” in RGNUL Law Review Jan Dec 2022 Volume 12.
- Paper titled Book Review of the book: These Seats Are Reserved: Caste, Quotas and The Constitution of India, Dr Abhinav Chandrachud, Penguin India, 2023 and was published in RGNUL Law Review, Vol. XII Jan- Dec 2022.
- Is awarded Ph.D. by Department of Law, Title of Thesis “A Critical Analysis of the Rights of persons with Disability Act. 2016 through the lens of equal access, Capability and implementation in the state of Maharashtra, University of Mumbai on December 2023.
- Participated in The National Seminar on “Criminal Law and Criminal Justice System – Contemporary Challenges” Jointly organised by Svkm’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law’s Criminial Law Forum & “The Indian Society of Criminology Mumbai branch on 25th September, 2023.
- Participated in the National Seminar on ‘Constitutionalism in Contemporary Times organized by National Law University Jodhpur and presented a paper entitled Manifesting Constitutional Transformation: The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 on 25th & 26th September, 2023.
- Published paper entitled “Decolonizing Disability Studies: Conceptualizing Indian Disability Jurisprudence” in Salgoacar Law Review ISSN No. 2395-7263.
- Editor of the Book- Gender Justice: Law & Society: ISBN No. 978-93-91044-27-5.
- participated in Seminar on Cyber Crime, Cyber security & Cyber Forensics on 19th August, 2023.
- Published article with Adv.Madhav Ved on Assignment of Arbitration Agreements on the blog of the Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution of RGNUL on 18th June, 2023.
Dr. Kavita Rai
- Attended a Panel Discussion on ‘Reimagining IPR through Folk Music” on 26th April 2024.
- completed live 3-hour workshop on ChatGpt & AI hacks with MS office conducted by Mr. Jatan shah, Microsoft Certified Trainer, Co-founder & CEO, Skill nation on 27th April 2024.
- Attended “The Awareness Campaign on Cyber Fraud can happen to anyone including you” organised by SVKM, NMIMS & Rotary Club of Bombay west in association with Mumbai Police – Cyber-crime wing on 4th January, 2023.
- Attended “The Awareness Campaign on Cyber Fraud can happen to anyone including you” organised by SVKM, NMIMS & Rotary Club of Bombay west in association with Mumbai Police – Cyber-crime wing on 4th January, 2023.
- Participated in Seminar on Cyber Crime, Cyber security & Cyber Forensics on 19th August, 2023.
Dr. Vanita Agarwal
- Participated in The National Seminar on “Criminal Law and Criminal Justice System – Contemporary Challenges” Jointly organised by Svkm’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law’s Criminial Law Forum & “The Indian Society of Criminology Mumbai branch on 25th September, 2023.
- Participated in Seminar on Cyber Crime, Cyber security & Cyber Forensics on 19th August, 2023.
- Nominated as Panel Member of Lok Adalat organized by City Civil and Session Court Secretariat Building Bombay on 3rd March, 2024.
Dr. Rachi Singh
- Awarded PH. D by Law relating to Censorship in India: A Critical Study with Special reference to film 6th October, 2023.
- Participated in The National Seminar on “Criminal Law and Criminal Justice System – Contemporary Challenges” Jointly organised by Svkm’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law’s Criminial Law Forum & “The Indian Society of Criminology Mumbai branch on 25th September, 2023.
- Participated in Seminar on Cyber Crime, Cyber security & Cyber Forensics on 19th August, 2023.
Mr. Aaditya Jadhav
- Invited as guest on topic from Ancient Insights to present realities: Indian Philosophy and Knowledge System organized by Sir Sitaram and Lady Shantabai patkar college of Arts & Science and V.P. Varde College of Commerce & Economics on 7th February, 2024.
Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar
- Attended a National Workshop on “NextGen Libraries: Beyond Books- Transforming Libraries for the next Generation” on 10th April 2024.
- Attended National Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence Tools for Librarian on 20th March 2024.
- Attended two days International Conference titled Unlocking Knowledge: A Forum on Open Science organised by NMIMS on 22nd March 2024.
- AttendedOne Day National workshop on TechTomes: Mastering AI tolls for Library advancement held on 30th March 2024
- Participated One special lecture on ‘Librarianship in the Age of Artificial Intelligence’ jointly organised by BMK Knowledge Resource Centre, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai & Bombay Science Librarians’ Association (BOSLA) SNDT Women’s University, Churchgate, Mumbai on 6th January, 2024.
- Participated in the conference Understanding Upcoming New Changes Binary Accreditation and its Methodology in NAAC organised IQAC Cluster India on 5th February, 2024.
- Participated at One-day national workshop jointly organised by NMIMS and Turnitin at SVKM’s NMIMS Mumbai on 17th February, 2024
- Participated at Rusa Sponsored Two Day Symposium for Young Academic Library Professionals on 21st & 22nd December, 2023
- Participated in The National Seminar on “Criminal Law and Criminal Justice System – Contemporary Challenges” Jointly organised by Svkm’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law’s Criminial Law Forum & “The Indian Society of Criminology Mumbai branch on 25th September, 2023.
- Participated at online lecture on “Publishing Avenues for Researchers: Trends, Tools and Platforms” organised by The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Research and Development cell of the college on 9th September, 2023
- Participated in Seminar on Cyber Crime, Cyber security & Cyber Forensics on 19th August, 2023.
Dr. Navashikha Duara
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic “State, Constitution and Citizens in Democracy” as a part of the 2nd edition of the ten weeks Online Certificate Course on Fundamentals of the Indian Constitution: Socio-political-legal Perspective, 2023 organized by the Public Concern for Governance Trust (PCGT) in association with SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law (PGCL) on 30th April, 2023.
- Appointed as convenor of Expert Committee by University of Mumbai on 21st April, 2023.
- Appointed as Convenor Local Inspection Committee by University of Mumbai on 2nd February, 7th February, 9th February, 2023.
- Invited to deliver a lecture on “Inclusive Society: A Constitutional Perspective” organised by International Institute for Population Science (IIPS) on 26th November, 2022.
- Attended UGC Sponsored Refresher Course- Human Rights & Social Inclusion Organized by UGC- Human Recourse Development Center, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati on 4th July to 16th July, 2022.
- Invited for delivering “The Concept of Dharma, State & the Need of a Constitution” organised by Public Concern for Governance Trust on 3rd July, 2022
- Invited as resource person at webinar on “Political Backwardness & its Implications” organised by Dedicated Commission for Reservation for Backward Class of Citizens in Local Bodies of Maharashtra on 2nd June, 2022.
- Published a paper on Topic “Justice against Sponsor of Terrorism Act (JASTA): A Challenge to Sovereign Immunity Under the Customary International Law” in Indian Bar Review, Vol. 49 (1) 2022.
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on topic “Moving from EQ to AQ: Leadership Effectiveness” on 19th May, 2022.
Dr. Suman Kalani
- Invited to judge 6th National Negotiation Competition 2023 organized by Society for Young Advocates and Researchers in collaboration with Luthra and Luthra Law Offices, S&A Law Offices and Presolv360 on 14th April, 2023.
- Invited as a resource person on the topic Women and Rights at MKES College of Law on 21st April, 2023.
- Invited as a Panelist for the Discussion on Nurturing Lawyers for ODR at the Online Dispute Resolution Forum hosted by Agami and International Council for Online Dispute Resolution at Bangalore International Centre on 17th and 18th March, 2023.
- Invited to judge the Video Making competition on ADR organised by Sayajirao Center for Alternate Dispute Resolution, Faculty of Law, Vadodara in collaboration with NIRMAAN on 25th March, 2023.
- Invited as a Panelist at Mediation Musings – The Future of E- Mediation at VPM Salgaokar College of Law, Goa on 22nd February, 2023.
- Invited as Expert Assessor at Lex Infinitim – An International Mediation Competition organised by VPM Salgaokar College of Law from 23rd February to 25th February 2023.
- Attended “The Awareness Campaign on Cyber Fraud can happen to anyone including you” organised by SVKM, NMIMS & Rotary Club of Bombay west in association with Mumbai Police – Cyber-crime wing on 4th January, 2023
- Invited to deliver a lecture on “IPR Awareness and IPR Management for Startups” organised by Institute of Companies Secretaries of India (ICSI) on 20th November, 2022
- Participated in “One day International one Day Interdisciplinary Conference on Hybrid Mode on Sustainability in the Post Covid Era” organised by N.M. College of Commerce and Economics on 26th November, 2022.
- Invited as a resource person to deliver as session on “Cyber Laws in India” at the SIES Graduate School of Technology on 17th September, 2022.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on “Intersection of Law with various Professions” at Pralhadrai Dalmiya College of Commerce on 23rd September, 2022.
- Attended One Day Webinar on ‘Legal Literacy and Legal Awareness’ organised by CEERA – National Law School of India University of India on 6th August, 2022.
- Participated at Two Day Conference on “Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity: Problems and Prospects” organised by Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur on 27th & 28th July 2022.
- Invited to take a session on “Discovering ones Immense Possibilities for well being” organized by the SVKM Training and Development Department on 12th July, 2022.
- Participated at UGC Sponsored Online Short Term Course on “Outcome Based Curriculum & Choice Based Credit System on 13th June to 18th June, 2022.
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on topic “Moving from EQ to AQ: Leadership Effectiveness” on 19th May, 2022.
- Invited as a resource person on the topic “IPR Protection for the Startup by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI)” on 22nd May, 2022.
- Awarded a research project on Two-Dimensional Study for the adoption of Mediation as a method of Dispute Resolution in ndia by WRIC – ICSSR (Grant amount Rs.50,000).
Dr. Geeta Kubsad
- Participated at PRAJATANTRA – 23 organised by Praja.org and the National Institute of Urban Affairs on 26th August, 2022- 14th March, 2023.
- Participated in “One day International one Day Interdisciplinary Conference on Hybrid Mode on Sustainability in the Post Covid Era” organised by N.M. College of Commerce and Economics on 26th November, 2022.
- Invited to deliver a Lectures in ‘Course on Criminal Law’ organised by Mulund College of Commerce on 2nd, 5th & 8th August, 2022.
- Completed certificate course in ‘Cyber Law and Cyber Security’ organised by the Advanced Centre on Research, Development & Training on Cyber Laws & Forensics, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru in collaboration with SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law, Mumbai on 25th August, 2022 to 28th August, 2022.
- Completed Online National Level One Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on ‘Implementation of National Education Policy: Challenges and Opportunities in HEI’ organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Nutan Vidya Mandir Education Society’s Late Sow Kamaltai Jamkar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Parbhan on 24th – 30th August, 2022.
- Participated at UGC Sponsored Online Short Term Course on “Outcome Based Curriculum & Choice Based Credit System on 13th June to 18th June, 2022.
- Published a paper on Topic “Digital Inclusion & Legal Education – A- Concern” in in NIU International Journal of Human Right, Vol. 9 (III) 2022, ISSN : 2394 – 0298.
- Participated at Online One Week Faculty Development Programme on “National Education Policy – 2020” organised by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College University of Delhi under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teacher’s & Teaching on 18th June to 24th June, 2022.
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on topic “Moving from EQ to AQ: Leadership Effectiveness” on 19th May, 2022.
Mrs. Kavita Sharma
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on the topic Preamble of the Indian Constitution on 2nd edition of the ten weeks Online Certificate Course on Fundamentals of the Indian Constitution: Socio-political-legal Perspective, 2023 organized by the Public Concern for Governance Trust (PCGT) in association with SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law (PGCL) on 30th April, 2023.
- Invited by the Maharashtra legal Aid Services Authority to organise a street play on Importance of Mediation at the Maharashtra Judicial Academy, Uttan, Mira Bhayandar on 11th March, 2023.
- Participated at online One Day Interdisciplinary International Seminar organized by Swami Ramanand Tirth Marathwada University and Mahatma Phule College, Kingaon, on the topic Gender Equality on the occasion of International women’s Day, 8th March 2023.
- Participated at PCGT Annual Event Youth: for Ethical Governance organised by Public Concern for Governance Trust on 8th February, 2023.
- Attended “The Awareness Campaign on Cyber Fraud can happen to anyone including you” organised by SVKM, NMIMS & Rotary Club of Bombay west in association with Mumbai Police – Cyber-crime wing on 4th January, 2023.
- Invited to deliver a guest lecture on “Emergency provisions in the constitution: habeas corpus case and relevant constitutional amendments” at the Certificate Course on Constitutional Law organised by Public Concern for Governance Trust in collaboration with Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 11th September, 2022.
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on topic “Moving from EQ to AQ: Leadership Effectiveness” on 19th May, 2022.
Mrs. Anju Singh
- Invited to deliver a lecture on “Writing a Research Paper” organised by HSNCB Gopaldas Jhamatmal Advani Law College on 12th December, 2022.
- Published a paper titled “Role of Green Criminology and Earth Jurisprudence in the Future of Environmental Law” Authors – Dr. Sanjay V. Jadhav & Mrs. Anju Singh. Paper published in online open access journal HPNLU Journal of Environment and Disaster Management (Volume II) with ISSN Number 2583-1429 (2021).
- Participated and presented a paper titled: “Women and climate change need for women leadership” beyond notions of nurturing on In the one-day National Conference on Gender Justice: Law and Society organized by SVKM’s PGCL, Mumbai on 24th September 2022.
- Attended UGC Sponsored Refresher Course- Human Rights & Social Inclusion Organized by UGC- Human Recourse Development Center, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati on 4th July to 16th July, 2022.
- participated at UGC Sponsored Webinar on “NEP 2020” organised by Sant Gadge Bba Amravati University, Amravati & UGC – HRDC- National Resource Center on 22nd June to 25th June, 2022.
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on topic “Moving from EQ to AQ: Leadership Effectiveness” on 19th May, 2022.
Mrs. Apurva Thakur
- Participated at 2nd Edition of Online Summer School on Disability Studies on Research Methods in Disability Studies from 8th – 14th April 2023.
Dr. Kavita Rai
- Attended “The Awareness Campaign on Cyber Fraud can happen to anyone including you” organised by SVKM, NMIMS & Rotary Club of Bombay west in association with Mumbai Police – Cyber-crime wing on 4th January, 2023.
- Participated at One Day Training Programme on Right to Information (RTI) and Right to Services (RTS) organized by Public Concern for Governance Trust (PCGT) in association with SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law (PGCL) on 20th September 2022.
- Completed certificate course in ‘Cyber Law and Cyber Security’ organised by the Advanced Centre on Research, Development & Training on Cyber Laws & Forensics, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru in collaboration with SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law, Mumbai on 25th August, 2022 to 28th August, 2022.
Dr. Vanita Agarwal
- Invited for deliver a lecture at DLLE Lala Lajpatrai College of Commerce & Economics on topic “Intellectual Property” 22nd February, 2023.
- Invited as guest on “Critical Aspects in the Indian Contract Act, 1872 and How to appear effectively before NCLT/NCLAT and other tribunals” organised by The Institute of Chartered Accountant of India on 08th July, 2022.
Mrs. Rachi Singh
- Published a paper on topic OTT: Safeguarding Freedom of Speech and Expression in Journal of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai (UGC CARE Group 1 Journal) Vol.97, No.4 (I) April 2023 ISSN No 0972-0766.
- Invited as a resource person at workshop on How to Crack UGC – NET organised by SVKM’s NMIMS – School of Law on 1st February 2023.
- Attended “The Awareness Campaign on Cyber Fraud can happen to anyone including you” organised by SVKM, NMIMS & Rotary Club of Bombay west in association with Mumbai Police – Cyber-crime wing on 4th January, 2023.
- Published a chapter on a “Corporate Criminal Liability with Special Reference to Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881” Dynamic of Corporate and Commercial Laws in a Globalised World, ISBN 978-93-5574-258-2.
- Presented a paper titled “International Conference on Contemporary Social, Economic & Legal Challenges posed by Conflicts: National & International perspective” organised by Amity University Haryana on 24th–25th November 2022.
- Presented a paper titled – Sensorship of OTT is a Vis Gender Justice on In the one-day National Conference on Gender Justice: Law and Society organized by SVKM’s PGCL, Mumbai on 24th September 2022.
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on topic “Moving from EQ to AQ: Leadership Effectiveness” on 19th May, 2022.
- Invited as a judge for the “National Online Moot Court Competition on Constitutional and Criminal Law” organised by Amity University, Haryana on 21st May, 2022.
Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar
- Presented a paper on topic Legal Educational Institutions in Maharashtra and NAAC Analysis organised by International Conference on Academic Libraries, ICAL- 2023, Delhi University Library System (DULS) University of Delhi, Delhi Mumbai on 5th to 8th April 2023.
Mr. Hemant Shetye
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on topic “Moving from EQ to AQ: Leadership Effectiveness” on 19th May, 2022.
Dr. Navasikha Duara
- Dr. Navasikha Duara, I/c Principal was invited as resource person on topic “PCGT – WEBINAR ON RUSSIA – UKRAINE WAR” at Public Concern for Governance Trust in Collaboration with Government Law College on 11th April, 2022.
- Dr. Navasikha Duara, I/c. Principal, present paper on Topic “Success Story of Democracy: Citizens as Custodians” published in edited volume titled Dimension of Democracy published by Imperial Publications ISBN 978-93-91044-09-01 in December, 2021.
- Dr. Navasikha Duara, I/c. Principal, selected as member of sub-committee for framing of syllabus for the 4 years B.A; B.Ed. (integrated) Course letter dated on 13th December 2021.
Dr. Suman Kalani
- Dr. Suman kalani, Assistant Professor, was awarded a research project on Two-Dimensional Study for the adoption of Mediation as a method of Dispute Resolution in India BY WRIC – ICSSR.
- Dr. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, was invited as resource person for the topic “Overview of Intellectual Property Rights” at Bhavans Hazirimal Somani College of Commerce on 17th March, 2022.
- Dr. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, participated at online FDP on “Innovations, Start-ups and Incubations” organised by Shree L.R. Tiwari Degree College of Arts, Commerce, and Science from 21st February to 26th February, 2022.
- Dr.Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, was invited as resource person at the Short-Term Course organized by the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre (formerly known as UGC-Academic Staff College), Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur, MP on the topic ” Discovering ones and others immense possibilities through playful interactions involving the head, heart and hands and Generating all round Well Being of self and others” on 12th January 2022.
- Dr. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, participated at “One Day Workshop on New Education Policy 2020: The Way Forward organised by Thakur College of Science and Commerce on 21st December, 2021.
- Dr. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, was invited as a resource person to deliver a talk on Startups and IPR organised by Institute of Company Secretaries of India on 8th December, 2021
- Dr. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, was invited as judge “Legal Link Competition” for the of 2nd Online National Law Festival, E-SPARKLE 2.0 organised by K.L.E College of Law, Amboli on 6th December, 2021.
- Dr. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, invited as guest speaker on ‘Clinical Legal Education through Online Dispute Resolution Mechanisms’ at the International Webinar on Clinical Legal Education and Access to Justice organised by Saveetha Law School Chennai.
Dr. Geeta Kubsad
- Dr Mrs. Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, appreciation for serving as a Session Chair “The 5th International Conference on the Future of Women 2022 Defining Women In a New Decade” organised by The International Institute of Knowledge Management on 24th & 25th February, 2022.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, invited as Evaluation Panel Member at the 4th International Conference on Gender and Sexuality 2021 “Constructs and Narratives of Gender and Sexuality in Society” organised by The International Institute of Knowledge Management on 14th – 15th October, 2021.
- Dr. Mrs. Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at Two-Day International Webinar on “Self-Management & Employability Skills” organized by NFED Business Facilitators Forum, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India; Talouns Pte Ltd., Singapore; LTT Global Communications Sdn Bhd, Selangor DE, Malaysia and MIT Square Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, Karnataka, India on 13th -14th August, 2021.
- Dr. Mrs. Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, attended a lecture on the topic ‘Significance of Consumer Protection Act’ in webinar series jointly organized by Department of Law, University of Mumbai, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith and B.C.T. College of Law under Legal Aid Awareness Programme – academic year 2021-22 on 2nd August, 2021.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, invited to deliver a talk on the topic ‘Consumer Protection and Business in India – Legal Aspects’ as a part of the National Webinar on ‘Importance of Commercial Law for Today’s Business’ organized by Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics on 23rd July, 2021.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, Contributed a chapter Titled : ‘Enforcement of Environmental Laws and Policies-Judicial Trends in India’ in the book ‘Environment in 21st Century’ published in Kripa Drishti Publications (KDP) with ISBN 978-93-90847-57-0 in July, 2021.
Mrs. Kavita Sharma
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor participated at “Medical Technologies and Emerging Socio-legal Issues” organised by RTM Nagpur University on 30th March, 2022.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Webinar on “Medical Technologies and Emerging Socio- Legal issues” organised by Post Graduate Teaching Department of Law, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University on 30th March, 2022.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at MEDUNEP-2021 organised by Department of Mass Communication, Rajiv Gandhi (Central) University, Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh India on 15th & 16th December, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, attended a Three days “International Conference on Disability & Inclusion organised by Bhumika Trust, Enabling Unit & Equal Opportunity Cell of Hansraj College, University of Delhi & Centre for Disability studies, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar on 1st & 3rd December, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, was invited for guest lecture in Singhania & Gokuldham School on topic “Constitution Day Celebration” on 26th to 29th November 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, attended a “One week National Level Workshop on Research Methodology Tools and Techniques” organised by Government Model Science College, Reva, Madhya Pradesh from 1st November to 7th November, 2021
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, guest lecture conducted at Mega Legal Services Camp under Pan India Legal Awareness and Outreach Campaign on 30th October, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, Participated at “ Current and Future ICT Challenges, Threats and Recommendations for Growth” organised by National Education Empowerment Teacher’s Initiative, The Idea Marathon, Master Soft on 27th October 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professors, participated at “Yoga for Women Wellness” organised by Jagananth Kadwadas Shah Adarsh College, Nijampur, Tal Sakri, Dist Dhule on 20th October to 26th October, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professors, participated at “Building Institutions- Role of Accreditation Process and Stakeholders in HEIs in ligt of NEP2020 (NAAC sponsored)” organised by Janki Devi Memorial College (University of Delhi) on 21st October, 2021.
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, Guest lecture conducted at “Smt Savitridevii Thirani High School Vartak Nagar, Thane on topic POCSO Laws: awareness drive (under the Legal Aid Services Awareness Drive organized by NALSA)” on 13th October, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, present a paper on topic ‘Dr. Ambedkar’s Role in up liftmen of Rights of Women’ on 29th September, 2021
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, invited as Panel member for National Lok Adalat organised by Mumbai District Suburban Legal Aid Services Authority on 25th September, 2021
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma Assistant Professors, participated at “Guidance on Course outcome, Program outcome & Program specific outcome” organised by Jeevan Jyot Educational Charitable Trust Reena Mehta College of Arts, Science, Commerce and Management Studies on 24th September, 2021
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at workshop on Intellectual Property Rights organised by St. John College of Humanities and Sciences on 31st August, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National webinar on “Role of ICT in Higher Education in Covid-19 Pandemic” organised by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Memorial College of Law, Dhule on 16th August, 2021
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at One Day International Webinar organised by Rajiv Gandhi College of Arts, Commerce and Science on 14th August, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Two-Day International Webinar on “Self-Management & Employability Skills” organized by NFED Business Facilitators Forum, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India; Talouns Pte Ltd., Singapore; LTT Global Communications Sdn Bhd, Selangor DE, Malaysia and MIT Square Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, Karnataka, India on 13th -14th August, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at “Accelerating Her Entrepreneurial Journey: Let’s Talk Social Media and Marketing” organised by U.S. Consulate, Mumbai on 6th August, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Cyber Safety and Security Online Teachers Training’ organised by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Government of India and Indian Teacher Education Community, Indore on 26th -31st July, 2021.
Mrs. Anju Singh
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, participated at “National Conference of Environmental Law Faculties and presented Present paper on topic “The Crime of Ecocide: Origin of the Concept and its Present Status” at the National Seminar on Environmental Crimes organised by Justice M. L. Pendse Chair in Environmental Laws and Centre for Research in Criminal Justice of Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai, in association with the Centre for Environmental Studies of Mar Gregorios College of Law on 21st & 22nd December, 2021.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professors, participated at “Guidance on Course outcome, Program outcome & Program specific outcome” organised by Jeevan Jyot Educational Charitable Trust Reena Mehta College of Arts, Science, Commerce and Management Studies on 24th September, 2021
Mrs. Apurva Thakur
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, attended Online Refresher Programme in ‘Social Science Constitutional & Administrative Law’ organized by conducted at Department of Political Science Shivaji University Kolhapur on 01st January, 2022 to 14th January, 2022.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, present a paper on “Inclusive Education in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic” which was published in Journal No. Vol XII, No 2, ISSN: 2229-5755 (January – December 2021).
- Mrs. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, was invited as Judge on Tamil Nadu National Law University organised “Intra-University Moot Court Competition, 2021” on 20th December, 2021.
- Mrs. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, completed the course ‘Understanding Research Methods’ on Coursera on 30th November, 2021.
- Mrs. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, Judged “Mr. & Ms. Voyage Competition” at SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi Collage of Law on 26th November, 2021.
- Mrs. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, was invited as judge to Jitendra Chauhan College of Law for “Client Counselling Competition” on 25th November, 2021.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant professor, present paper on topic “Universal Design: The Key to Accessible Public Spaces” at One-Day National Conference on Inclusivity in Law: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on 9th October, 2021.
Ms. Vidya Tewani
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, Paper present on topic “Socio-Legal Reflections on Language and Identity: Sindhis in India” at One-Day National Conference on Inclusivity in Law: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on 9th October, 2021.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, presented a paper ‘Fondly Remembering the Homeland Past and Smiling Away the Loss: A Reading of the Sindhi Short Story, Khanwahan, by Kala Prakash (Working Paper) Department: Research Colloquium, Department of English, SNDT Women’s University.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, participated at Session on ‘Career Advancement Scheme’ organised by SVKM’s IQAC on 17th July, 2021.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professors, participated at ‘Mental Health workshop’ organised by SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 5th July, 2021.
Dr. Kavita Rai
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at “Research Proposal Writing” by Mr. Madhava Rao organised by SVKM, through Oracle on 2nd September, 2021
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at “Unlock the World of Information and Knowledge with Our Rich Library” organised Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal (Oracle) on 18th August, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai. Assistant Professor, participated at Two-Day International Webinar on “Self-Management & Employability Skills” organized by NFED Business Facilitators Forum, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India; Talouns Pte Ltd., Singapore; LTT Global Communications Sdn Bhd, Selangor DE, Malaysia and MIT Square Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, Karnataka, India on 13th -14th August, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai. Assistant Professor, participated at CPR training to deal with “Sudden Cardiac Arrest” (SCA) by I CARE (Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation for Everyone) organised by Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal on 13th August, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘IQAC- Its Role and Functioning’ by Dr. Nupur Mehrotra organised by SVKM on 19th July, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at ‘Mental Health workshop’ organised by SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 5th July, 2021.
Dr. Vanita Agarwal
- Dr. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor was invited as Judge for the “National Online Moot Court Competition on Surrogacy and Human Rights” organised by SHM Law College, Rajgurunagar on 30th March, 2022.
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant professor, presented a paper on topic ‘Survival of Democracy in Light of Pandemics’. Published in edited volume titled Dimension of Democracy on topic published by Imperial Publications ISBN 978-93-91044-09-01 in December, 2021.
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, presented & published a paper in one day Multidisciplinary International e-Conference on ‘Natural Resources and Sustainable Development’ organized by Balasaheb Mane Education Trust’s Rajarshi Shahu Arts and Commerce College, Rukadi (Social Sciences and IQAC) Tal-Hatkanangale, Dist-Kolhapur (Maharashtra, India) on the topic of “Corporate Social Responsibility” on 29th July, 2021.
Ms. Rachi Singh
- Ms. Rachi Singh, Assistant Professor was invited as Judge for the “National Online Moot Court Competition on Surrogacy and Human Rights” organised by SHM Law College, Rajgurunagar on 30th March, 2022.
Dr. Nutan Madiwal
- Dr. Nutan Madiwal, Assistant Professor, conducted a session on title “Integration of Human Values in Various Courses in Higher Education” organised by UGC staff Academy University of Mumbai on 27th January, 2022.
- Dr. Nutan Madiwal, I/c Principal, participated & present a paper on One Day Online International Multidisciplinary Conference on ‘Research Methodology in Economics, Library Science, Social Science, Pure Science, Management, Commerce, Home Science & Sport Science Higher Education System in India & Abroad’ organised by Shri Pancham Khemraj?Maha Vidyalaya,?Sawant wadi? held on 27th July, 2021.
Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar
- Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar, Librarian, participated at the National Webinar on “Libraries’ Role in NAAC Process” organized by Department of Library under Lead College Activity of Shivaji University Kolhapur on Friday 21, January 2022.
- Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar, Librarian, presented paper titled “Library Services during COVID -19 Case Study of Pravin Gandhi College of Law (PGCL), Mumbai” which is published in International E- Journal of Library Science Volume No. – 9, Issue No. – 2, July- December 2021, ISSN 2319-992X.
- Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar, Librarian, participated at Seminar on ‘Transformation of Library Services: Issues and Challenges’ jointly organised by Bombay Science Librarians’ Association (BOSLA) and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research on 18th December 2021.
- Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar, Librarian, Article published in International Journal of International Research Fellows Association’s “Research Journey” International E-Research Journal.
- Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar, Librarian, participated & present a paper on One Day Online International Multidisciplinary Conference on ‘Research Methodology in Economics, Library Science, Social Science, Pure Science, Management, Commerce, Home Science & Sport Science Higher Education System in India & Abroad’ organised by Shri Pancham Khemraj?Maha Vidyalaya,?Sawant wadi? held on 27th July, 2021.
Dr. Navasikha Duara, I/c. Principal & Assistant Professor
- Dr. Navasikha Duara, attended 4 – day course on “Final Stage Preparation of AQAR for Affiliated UG/PG Colleges” organised by IQAC Cluster India in Collaboration with WhiteCode on 3rd May 2021 – 6th May 2021.
- Dr. Navasikha Duara, Assistant Professor, participated at the webinar on “Israel’s war on Gaza and International Law”, delivered by PhyIIis Bennis, Fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington DC, and of the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam organised by Centre for Study of Society and Secularism on 22nd May 2021.
- Dr. Navasikha Duara, Assistant Professors, participated at Webinar on “Arbitration as Mechanism for Settlement of Cross Border Disputes: Investment Disputes of Non-State Actors V. States” organised by Colleges’ Society of International Law and Its Affairs on 3rd September, 2020.
- Dr. Navasikha Duara Assistant Professors, participated at Training Session on “Essentials of Writing a Case Brief” organised by Colleges” Society of International Law and Its Affairs on 25th September, 2020.
- Dr. Navasikha Duara Assistant Professors, participated at Webinar on “Basics of Double Tax Avoidance Arguments” organised by Colleges’ Society of International Law and Its Affairs on 3rd September, 2020.
- Dr. Navasikha Duara, Assistant Professor, attended online webinar on ‘India’s Engagement with the World’ organised by SAIl on 12th August 2020.
Dr. Suman Kalani, I/c. Vice-Principal & Assistant Professor
- Dr. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, Invited as guest speaker for a ‘Koffee Conversation on Intellectual Property Rights: Know your IPR’ organised by Lions Club in association with My Taxguru on 25th June, 2021.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, Invited to judge 3rd National Mediation & Negotiation Competition, 2021 organized by Society for Young Advocates and Researchers (SYAR) in collaboration with the Association of Mediation Practitioners, Presolv360, CAMP Mediation and SCC Online.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, invited to deliver a lecture on ‘IPR and STARTUPS’ at the Institute of Company Secretary of India (ICSI) on 29th May, 2021 at the certificate course for IPR part of the Shahid ki Beti initiative for the education of the daughters of the martyrs who valiantly fought to protect the sovereignty of the nation till the last breath.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, awarded her Ph.D. on the topic “Online Dispute Resolution Mechanism in India: A study of its Acceptability, Applicability, and Feasibility” by the S.N.D.T University in May 2021.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, participated at One-Day National Conference on “Laws and Policies relating to Agricultural Sector in India” (Virtual) organised by Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow on 31st January 2021.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, participate at “Art Law and It’s Security Dimensions” organised by Rashtriya Raksha University, on 28th to 30th January, 2021.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, participated in 6th International Conference on ‘Law and Economics, 2020 (VIRTUAL)’ organised by National Law University, Bhopal and Indian Association of Law and Economics on 26th – 28th December, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended one week online ‘Certificate Course In Patenting System In India And Recent Developments’ organized by Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai DPIIT IPR Chair and Centre for Research in IP 14th -19th December, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Cyber Week 2020’ organized by ICODR, USA from 2nd November, 2020 to 6th November, 2020 as also a part of an Online Mediation Simulation.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, participated at Online Capsule Course on “Data Protection Laws in Selected Jurisdictions with Focus on Cross-border Legal Challenges” organised by Gujarat National Law University on 26 – 27 September, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended Conclave on ‘Transformational Reforms in Higher Education Under National Education Policy, 2020’ organised by University Grants Commission, Ministry of Human Resources Development Government of India on 7th August, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended webinar on “Shift to Hybrid Learning Model: The New Normal for Education”, organised by Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and Rajagiri Business School (RBS) held on 6th August, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended National Webinar Series on the ‘Consumer Protection Act, 2019, Rules and Regulation’ organised by the National Law School of India University, Bangalore from 21st to 26th August, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, completed two week online faculty development programme on Managing Online Classes and Co-creating Moocs 3.0 organised by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan college (University of Delhi) (25th July – 10th august, 2020).
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professors, participated at Two – day online “National conference on Dimensions of Democracy” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law from 8th and 9th August, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended a Webinar on “Two years of the Justice Srikrishna report: What next?’ to discuss the biggest challenges for privacy and data governance over the next few years” organized by IDFC Institute on 27th July, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended Global Legal Education Colloquium on the theme “Higher Education and Research in Law: Preparing the Next Generation of Legal Thinkers, Lawyers, Academics and Judges” organized by Jindhal Global Law School on 22nd July 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended a webinar organized by CUTTS on “Project Inception Webinar II – Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal – Enabling a Political Economy Discourse for Multi-Modal Connectivity (M-CONNECT)” on 14th July, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, completed 10-day course on Mediation: Theory and Practice organized by the Youth Bar Association of India from 10th July – 20th July, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, Completed Five Days Online Programme on Legal Research Methodology 6 July-10 July 2020 Faculty of Law University of Lucknow.
- Dr. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, invited as guest speaker
on ‘Clinical Legal Education through Online Dispute Resolution Mechanisms’ at the International Webinar on Clinical Legal Education and Access to Justice organised by Saveetha Law School Chennai.
Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor participated at ‘NAAC awareness program for Law Colleges’ organised by G. J. Advani Law College 5th June, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Five Days Faculty Development Program on Investment in Share Market’ organised by Shripatrao Kadam Vidyalaya, Shirwal and IQAC Department on 11th – 15th May 2021.
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at one day ‘International Interdisciplinary Online Conference on Recent Trends in Social Sciences Conference Schedule’ organised a S. P. Mandal’s Kankavli College, Kankavli on 18th April, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, present a paper on topic ‘Information and Communication Technology: New Age tool for a Lawyer’ on 18th April, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Seven Days State level workshop on ‘Research Methodology’ organised a AVM’s Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Degree College of Arts, Commerce and Science on 1st April to 7th April, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at seminar on ‘Intellectual Property Rights Public Policy in India’ organised Intellectual Property Rights Cell, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur in association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, RTM Nagpur University and Post Graduate Teaching Department of Law, RTM Nagpur University on 26th April, 2021.
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, presented a paper at online webinar “Internet of Things and Law” on the topic “Licensing of AI Applications in Healthcare” organised by Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai on 6th & 7th March, 2021.
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Seminar on ‘Challenges before Womanhood in Current Legal Order – National and International Perspectives’ organised by VPM’s Amolakchand Vidhi Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal on 8th March, 2021.
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Special Guest Lecture on ‘Water and Policy Challenges in India organised by Centre for Environmental Law, Policy, Education and Development’ organised by ICFAI, Dehradun on 22nd March, 2021.
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Interdisciplinary National Seminar on the topic ‘Arousing Outcome of Consumer Protection Law’ organised by Bharti Vidyapeeth’s, New Law College, Kolhapur and Sangli on 15th March, 2021.
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Webinar on ‘National Education Policy’ organised by Smt. P. N. Doshi Women’s College, SNDT University on 5th March, 2021
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Webinar on ‘Bahujan Streewad’ organised by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya, Mahad on 2nd & 3rd March, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Webinar on topic “Innovation & IPR” organised by Vivek College of Commerce, Department of Law & Business Communication on 8th February, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professors, participated at One Day National Webinar on “Revised Guidelines on NAAC” organised by University of Mumbai, Department of Commerce in association with (S.E.S) Swami Hansmuni Maharaj Degree college of Commerce, IQAC Department on 22nd February, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Special Guest Lecture on “Emerging Issues in Human Rights with Special Emphasis on Women and Child Rights” organized by ICFAI Law School, The ICFAI University, Dehradun on 29th January, 2021
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Conference ‘Communication at the Crossroads: Adapting to the New Normal’ organised by Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy in Collaboration with Kohinoor Business School (RUSA sponsored) on 8th & 9th January, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Webinar (Interdisciplinary) ‘Use of E Resources in Higher Education’ organised by Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh College of Law on 2nd January, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated ‘Faculty Development Program Universal Human Values’ organised AICTE on 14th December, 2020 to 18th December, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Webinar ‘Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights’ organised by Amolakchand Vidhi Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal, and Maharashtra on 8th December, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Short term Course ‘Voices of Social Change’ organised by Laureate International Universities and International Youth Foundation on December 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at webinar Treasure Hunt in Traditional Knowledge: Legal Aspects, Challenges and Opportunities” organised by SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law, Centre for Corporate Laws and IPR on 4th December, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, completed One Day Certificate Course on ‘POCSO Act and Judicial Procedure’ organised by Public Concern for Governance Trust & District Legal Service Authority, Mumbai Suburban on 25th National Legal Services Day, 2020, on 9th November, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Webinar on “Politics in India” on 8th November, 2020 organised by Niti Manthan Campus Convenorship Program.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at International Webinar ‘Mediation: Procedure and Practices in Common Law and Civil Law Countries’ organised by School of Law, IMS Unison University, Dehradun on 7th November, 2020
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, Participated at National Level Webinar on ‘Designing Engaging Presentation for online Learning’ organised by Bhandarkar’s College on 6th November, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Webinar ‘Effectual Research Bibliometrics -Paving Way for Institutional Evaluation’ organised by Academy of General Education and Bhandarkar’s College on 12th October, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Vigilance Week ‘Certificate of Commitment and Integrity Pledge’ organised by Central Vigilance Commission on 29th October, 2020
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Memorial Lecture ‘Transforming the World: Sustainable Development Goals’ organised by ICFAI University of Dehradun on 16th October, 2020
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated in the Panel discussion on “Unmasking the effects of COVID -19” organised by CLPRS of Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 19th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professors, participated at National Symposium on ‘Changing Dynamics of Public Interest Litigation’ organised by The Moot Court Society of Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 5th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated in the International Webinar and Faculty Development programme on “Strategies to Write Good Research Article – Part II” organised by Centre for consulting, Training and Corporate Interface Indian Bureau of Administrators and Technocrats on 13th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professors, attended on International webinar on “COVID-19 and Existential Crisis” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 8th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professors, participated in the National Webinar on “Emerging trends in Human Rights” organised by Thakur Ramnarayan College of Law on 12th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated in the National Webinar on “Awareness and Use of Open Access Resources in Legal Education” organised by Hindi Vidya Prachar Samiti’s College of Law on 12th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professors, participated in the National Webinar on “Indian Feminism” organized by Women Development Cell, K. J. Somaiya College of Science and Commerce, Mumbai. & Bharatiya Stree Shakti (B.S.S.) on 9th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, attended webinar on ‘Current Economic Scenario and Road To Recovery’ organised by Kandivali Education Society’s B. K. Shroff College of Arts & M.H. Shroff College of Commerce on 18th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated in the National Webinar on “Legal Research & Research Writing” organised by K. C. Law College, Mumbai on 9th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated in the Webinar on “National Education Policy 2020” on 5th September, 2020 organised by KLE College of Law, Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Online Quiz on ‘National Education Policy 2020’ organised by Sanskardham, Ahmedabad on 5th September, 2020 to 15th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Webinar on “The Situation under Trial Prisoners and Access to Justice in the Context of Pandemic” organised by Thakur Ramnarayan College of Law on 5th August, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Two Days National E- Workshop on ‘Various Fact of Media Law’ organised by ICFAI Law College, The ICFAI university, Dehradun on 7th & 8th August, 2020
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated in the Webinar on ‘The Menace of Fake News and Ways to tackle it’ organised by Hindi Vidya Prachar Samiti’s College of Law on 17th August, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘National webinar on consumerism & Financial Literacy in Covid’19 Times’ jointly organised by Post Graduate Teaching Department Law Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University & Consumer Guidance Society of India on 24th August, 2020
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professors, participated at Two – day online “National conference on Dimensions of Democracy” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law from 8th and 9th August, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Cyber Safety and Security Online Teachers Training’ organised by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Government of India and Indian Teacher Education Community, Indore on 26th -31st July, 2021.
Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at one-day workshop on ‘Restructuring of Syllabus of Subject’ organized by Modern Education Society’s Ness Wadia College of Commerce, Pune on 7th June, 2021.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, invited as Evaluation Panel Member and Scientific Reviewer at 7th World Conference on Women’s Studies 2021 ‘Transnational Feminism – Contexts, Collaborations Contestations: Toward a Liveable Plant’ organized by the International Institute of Knowledge Management on 20th – 22nd May, 2021.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, attended two days National Symposium on ‘Cyber Space 2021 (NSC2021)’ organized by Department of Information Technology, University of Mumbai in association with Vivek College of Commerce on 27th & 28th May, 2021.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated in a workshop on ‘National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF)’ organized by Neville Wadia Institute of Management Studies and Research on 24th May, 2021.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor participated at National Level Webinar on ‘Feedback, SSS, Best and Distinctive Practices’ organised by PGK Mandal’s Haribai V Desai Art, Science, Commerce College, Pune, Maharashtra, In association with IQAC Cluster India and WhiteCode 19th to 21st May, 2021.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at Two Days Online International Conference on ‘Gender Mainstreaming: Global Perspectives’ organised by Bombay Teacher’s Training on 2nd – 3rd February, 2021.
- Dr. Mrs. Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, published a article on Journal:EDU CARE on Jan – Dec, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professors, attended Lecture on the topic, “Significance of Constitutional Values in the 21st Century” by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Kurian Joseph, Former Judge at the Supreme Court of India organised by Lex Macula on 27th of December, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘SEL for Students: A Path to Social Emotional WellBeing’ an online non-credit course authorized by University of Colorado Boulder and offered through Coursera on 2nd December, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Children’s Human Rights – An Interdisciplinary Introduction’ an online non-credit course authorized by University of Geneva and offered through Coursera on 30th November, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, Participated at ‘Introduction to English Common Law’ an online non-credit course authorized by University of London and offered through Coursera on 28th November, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Foundations of Mindfulness’ an online non-credit course authorized by Rice University and offered through Coursera on 28th November, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Introduction to International Criminal Law’ an online non-credit course authorized by Case Western Reserve University and offered through Coursera on 11th November, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘The Teacher’s Social and Emotional Learning’ an online non-credit course authorized by University of Colorado Boulder and offered through Coursera on 11th November, 2020.
- Dr. Mrs. Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Feminism and Social Justice an Online Non-Credit Course’ authorized by University of California, Santacruz and offered through Coursera on 28th October, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, invited to deliver a talk on the topic ‘Consumer Protection and Business in India – Legal Aspects’ as a part of the National Webinar on ‘Importance of Commercial Law for Today’s Business’ organized by Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics on 23rd July, 2021.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, Contributed a chapter Titled : ‘Enforcement of Environmental Laws and Policies-Judicial Trends in India’ in the book ‘Environment in 21st Century’ published in Kripa Drishti Publications (KDP) with ISBN 978-93-90847-57-0 in July, 2021.
Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professors participated at National Level Webinar on ‘Feedback, SSS, Best and Distinctive Practices’ organised by PGK Mandal’s Haribai V Desai Art, Science, Commerce College, Pune, Maharashtra, In association with IQAC Cluster India and WhiteCode 19th to 21st May, 2021.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professors attended 4 – day course on “Final Stage Preparation of AQAR for Affiliated UG/PG Colleges” organised by IQAC Cluster India in Collaboration with WhiteCode on 3rd May 2021 – 6th May 2021.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, participated at Interactive workshop on ‘Water Management’ organised by U.S. Consulate General, Mumbai on 12th – 16th April 2021.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, published a paper an “Economic to an Integrated Approach: Redefining Sustainability in Environmental Decision Making”, Edu Care Vol. IX (2) Jan -Dec 2020, ISSN 2319-5282, pp.5-10 – Co-authored. ( Dr. Sanjay Jadhav & Ms. Anju Singh)
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Environmental Management & Ethics’ an online non-credit course authorized by Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and offered through Coursera on 17th December, 2020.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, successfully completed 6 weeks Coursera Course on ‘Property and Liability: An Introduction to Law and Economics’ offered by Wesleyan University.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, successfully completed the two-month course on “Effective Documentation for Accreditation with Outstanding Grade” Organised by IQAC Cluster in collaboration with “White Code” from 15th September 2020 – 10th November 2020.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, attended the lecture on ‘Exploring the Aesthetics of an Asian-African Heritage through the Work of Sultan Somjee’ organized by CoHaB IDC collaboration with Dr. BMN College of Home Science (Autonomous) and the HR College of Commerce & Economics on 18th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professors, attended on International webinar on “COVID-19 and Existential Crisis” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 8th September, 2020.
Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant professor, participated at Online ‘Awareness /Sensitization Programme on Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960’ organised by RRTC under Center for the Study of Social Change in association with Mumbai District Co-operative Housing Federation & Habib Educational & Welfare Society’s MS Law College on 19th March, 2021.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant professor, participated in ‘E-Quiz’ organized by ‘District Legal Services Authority, Mumbai Suburban on International Women’s Day, 8th March, 2021.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh and Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at One Day National Webinar on “Revised Guidelines on NAAC” organised by University of Mumbai, Department of Commerce in association with (S.E.S) Swami Hansmuni Maharaj Degree college of Commerce, IQAC Department on 22nd February, 2021.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, participated at webinar titled, ‘Professional Communication and Personality Development at Workplace’ organized by Virtual School for Personality Development and Professional Skills & Knowledge Steez on 30th January, 2021.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, participated at National webinar on “Indian Feminism” organized by Women Development Cell, K. J. Somaiya College of Science & Commerce on 29th January, 2021.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, participated at National webinar on ‘Human Rights Issues in India’ organized by Department of History, Chhatrapati Shivaji Night College of Arts & Commerce, Solapur on 21st January, 2021.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, attended Webinar titled, “Senior Citizens and MWPSC Act”, organized by Regional Resource & Training Centre under Centre for Study of Social Change and SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 24th December, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended Webinar titled, “Article 32, Essence in Realm of Supreme Court Judgments”, organized by ASDM Legal and and CLPRS of SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 21st December, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, attended Online Refresher Course in ‘Social Sciences’ organized by UGC- Human Resource Development Centre of Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad held from 7th December, 2020 to 19th December, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended Lecture on the topic, “Significance of Constitutional Values in the 21st Century” by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Kurian Joseph, Former Judge at the Supreme Court of India organised by Lex Macula on 27th of December, 2020.
- 14. Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘First Term Training Programme in Extension Work Activities (Community Work) related to Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Industry Orientation, Status of Women in Society, Career Project, Population Education, Information Technology etc. for Extension Teachers & Student Managers in Online Mode’ hosted by K. J Somaiya College of Science and Commerce on 9th November, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, attended the guest lecture in conversation with Rahul Shrivastava, “A World through a Diplomat’s Lens”, organized by SAIL of Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 12th October, 2020
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended a National webinar on ‘Women Safety’ organized by Women Development Cell in association with Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension Unit of K. J. Somaiya College of Science & Commerce, Mumbai on 22nd October, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended a webinar on the topic, “Mediation: The Need of the Hour” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on the 23rd September, 2020
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended a webinar on the topic, “Valuations: A New Perspective” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 10th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended Training Session on “Essentials of Writing a Case Brief (Foreign Court Judgements)” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 25th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended on International webinar on “COVID-19 and Existential Crisis” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 8th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, participated in the National Webinar on “Emerging trends in Human Rights” organised by Thakur Ramnarayan College of Law on 12th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, attended webinar on ‘Sports Dispute Resolution’ organised by ADR HOC on 30th August, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, attended the webinar on ‘Menace of Cyber Squatting and the Intellectual Property Regulatory Mechanism’ held on 22nd August, 2020 organised by IP Assisto.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh,a Assistant Professors, participated at Two – day online “National conference on Dimensions of Democracy” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law from 8th and 9th August, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant professor, participated in three-day Workshop on “Introduction to Heartfulness Practices” organized by Mulya Pravah and IQAC of K. J. Somaiya College of Science & Commerce in association with Heartfulness Institute from 20th to 22nd July, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh Assistant Professor participated at National webinar on “An Insight towards Assessment & Accreditation Process for Affiliated College in India organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)” Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University on 29th July, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended One-Day International Faculty Development Program on ‘Social Construction of Gender’ organised by Nari Gursahani Law College & Bombay Teachers’ Training College on 24th July, 2020
Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professors, participated at ‘Developing Effective Rubrics for Course Assessment’ by Dr. Prachi Gharpure organised by Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal’s NMIMS – Oracle on Mumbai on 25th May, 2021.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professors, participated at ‘Understanding Basics of NAAC’ with Dr. Sharad Mhaiskar, Pro-VC, NMIMS University organised by Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal, Mumbai on 21st May 2021.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professors and Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar, Librarian, participated at National Level Webinar on ‘Feedback, SSS, Best and Distinctive Practices’ organised by PGK Mandal’s Haribai V Desai Art, Science, Commerce College, Pune, Maharashtra, In association with IQAC Cluster India and White Code 19th to 21st May, 2021.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professors attended 4 – day course on “Final Stage Preparation of AQAR for Affiliated UG/PG Colleges” organised by IQAC Cluster India in Collaboration with White Code on 3rd May 2021 – 6th May 2021.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, Published Response Piece in Law and Other Things, NALSAR Blog in the month of March, 2021.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, participated in the ‘Celebration of International Human Rights Day’ at H.S.N.C. Board’s K. C. Law College, Mumbai held on 10th December, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, attended UGC sponsored ‘Orientation Programme’ organized by Human Resource Development Centre, University of Mumbai from 17th December, 2020 to 7th January, 2021 at Mumbai.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant professor, completed ‘Write Professional Emails in English an Online Non-Credit Course’ authorized by Georgia Institute of Technology and offered through Coursera on 22nd October, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant professor, completed ‘Feminism and Social Justice an Online Non-Credit Course’ authorized by University of California, Santacruz and offered through Coursera on 23rd November, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, completed ‘Disability Inclusion in Education- Building Systems of Support an Online Non-Credit Course’ authorized by University of Cape Town and offered through Coursera on 11th November, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, attended DLLE First Term Training on 9th November, 2020.
- 15. Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, attended discussion by SAIL on the ‘Vietnam War’ on 21st November, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, Judged ‘Negotiation Competition of ILS Law College, Pune’ on 17th September, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professors, attended on International webinar on “COVID-19 and Existential Crisis” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 8th September, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professors, participated at Webinar on “Arbitration as Mechanism for Settlement of Cross Border Disputes: Investment Disputes of Non-State Actors V. States” organised by Colleges’ Society of International Law and Its Affairs on 3rd September, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, participated at Law + Literature Webinar organised by Mumbai university Literature Department on 20th August, 2020
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professors, participated at Two – day online “National conference on Dimensions of Democracy” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law from 8th and 9th August, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, completed the Course “Introduction to English Common Law”, University of Landon, Coursera, Chemerinsky on Constitutional Law: Individual Rights and Liberties’, University of California, Irvine, Coursera & Public Policy Challenges of the 21st Century, University of Virginia, Coursera.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, attended Webinar on “Role of Institutional Arbitration in India Post Covid’19 organized by ILSCA, ILS Law College, Pune on 6th June 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, attended International Webinar on “Climate Change- threat to Humanity” organized by the Dept. of Law, University of Mumbai on 5th June, 2020.
Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, completed a course Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking’ on 31st August, 2020 to 30th May, 2021.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, present a paper on topic of ‘The Notion of Home in Post-Partition Sindhi Literature: A Reading of Select Literary Works Presented at: National Webinar on “Hiraeth: A Wistful Longing for Home in South Asian Literature organised by: P. G. Department of English, St. Cyrill’s College, Adoor, Kerala on 10th March, 2021.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, completed course ‘Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments’ an online non-credit course authorised by Duke University offered through Coursera on 30th November, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, attended the ‘Tata Literature Live (Online Literature Festival)’ on 19th & 20th November, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, completed Coursera course ‘Sharpened Vision: A Poetry Workshop’ organised by California Institute of Arts on 18th October, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor organised the ‘Coursera Online Learning Programme’ since 14th September, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘ELTAI Teachers’ Day Celebration’ organised by English Language Teachers’ Association of India (ELTAI) on 3rd to 5th September, 2020
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, participated at “South-South Dialogues Renegotiating the Pedagogy and Praxis of Postcolonialities” organised by Department of English, SNDT Women’s University & Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalya, University of Calcutta on 28th & 29th September, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, published paper Partition, Migration and Identity: A Reading of Sundri Uttamchandani’s Deh Thyo Pardeh on 9th August, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Dr. Kavita Rai & Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended One-Day International Faculty Development Program on ‘Social Construction of Gender’ organised by Nari Gursahani Law College & Bombay Teachers’ Training College on 24th July, 2020
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professors, attended ‘Law and Literature: At Loggerheads, or in Harmony’, organised by CoHab Indian Diaspora Centre, Department of Law, University of Mumbai, and The WW University of Muenster, Germany on 18th July, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, attended National Level Webinar on ‘Education 4.0: Future Perspective of Learning’ organised by M. L. Dahanukar college of Commerce, Mumbai on 21st July, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, attended Four-Day Webinar on ‘Strategies for Effective Strategies for Assessing and Teaching’ organised by Gudavalleru Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh on 13th to 16th July,2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professors, participated at ‘Mental Health workshop’ organised by SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 5th July, 2021.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, participated at Session on ‘Career Advancement Scheme’ organised by SVKM’s IQAC on 17th July, 2021.
Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Real Time Resilience in Covid Times’ organised by Department of Biotechnology, St. Edmund’s College on 28th June, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, completed a 4-Week Induction/Orientation Programme for “Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education” from May 18 – 17 June, 2021 and obtained Grade A+.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘How to Create and Edit Videos’ by Navin kumar Patil organised by Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal, Mumbai on 19th May, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at Orientation/Induction Program organised by Ramanujan College, Delhi on 18th May, 2021 to 17th June, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at ‘Developing Effective Rubrics for Course Assessment’ by Dr. Prachi Gharpure organised by Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal’s NMIMS – Oracle on Mumbai on 25th May, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at ‘Understanding Basics of NAAC’ with Dr. Sharad Mhaiskar, Pro-VC, NMIMS University organised by Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal, Mumbai on 21st May 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at Assurance of learning by Dr. Ramesh Bhatt completed on Oracle. As part of FDP : EVOLVE on 14th April, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at Faculty Development Program on ‘Online Tools & Techniques Used in E-Teaching Pedagogy’ organized by KES’ Shri. Jayantilal H. Patel Law College on 28th April, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at workshop under Legal Aid Committee on ‘The Domestic Violence Act, 2005: Complain Mechanism and Remedies’ conducted by Advocate Nausheen Yousuf in Collaboration with Amolakchand Law College, Yavatmal held on 30th March, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at webinar on ‘Gender Sensitization: Gender Equity beyond Gender Identity’ organised by Thakur Ram Narayan College of Law on 27th February, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor participated at 3 days webinar on ‘BTTC and FIT India’ by Dr. Nupur Krishnan’s Bio-Logics Nutrition Clinic, on 22nd to 24th February, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘PCGT Conlave – Public Concern for Governance Trust’organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 20th February, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at One Day National Webinar on “Revised Guidelines on NAAC” organised by University of Mumbai, Department of Commerce in association with (S.E.S) Swami Hansmuni Maharaj Degree college of Commerce, IQAC Department on 22nd February, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at Faculty Development Programme (FDP) organised by Kirit P. Mehta School of Law on 29th January, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at Two Day Online International Conference on “Identification of Principal Foundations for Global Peace” organized by Institute of Objective Studies on 23rd – 24th January, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at workshop on ‘E-filing’ organized by Placement cell of Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 23rd January, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at webinar on ‘Success Story of Medication’ organised by PGCL’s Centre for Conflict Resolution on 16th January, 2021.
- Dr Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at One Day National Webinar on ‘NAAC Criteria VI & VII: An insight in Revised Accreditation Frameworks of NAAC’ organised by IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) under UGC- Paramarsh Scheme on 4th December, 2020 conducted by K. J. Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce, Mumbai.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Legal Aid Services Authority: A Crusader for Rights of Individual’ organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law Legal Aid Committee on 10th November, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘International Webinar by Judge Joëlle Adda (President, UNDT, Former Administrative Judge, France) on the topic ‘Role of Administrative Judges in France’ organised by the Moot Court Society, Law College Dehradun faculty of Uttaranchal University on 11th November, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, completed ‘Introduction to Environmental Law & Policy an Online Non-Credit Course’ authorized by University of California, Santacruz and offered through Coursera on 30th November, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Talk Fest on Cyber Security’ organised by Bombay Teacher’s Training College Women Development Cell on 5th November, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, attended a webinar on “Intent of Legislature:-Law in Sexual Violence in India” organised All India Lawyers Forum on 17th October, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, attended a National webinar on ‘Women Safety’ organized by Women Development Cell in association with Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension Unit of K. J. Somaiya College of Science & Commerce, Mumbai on 22nd October, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at Teacher’s Conference on “Empowering Educators” organised by The Institute of Companies Secretaries of India on 11th September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, attended a webinar on the topic, “Mediation: The Need of the Hour” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on the 23rd September, 2020
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, attended a webinar on the topic, “Valuations: A New Perspective” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 10th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Rai Assistant Professors, attended Training Session on “Essentials of Writing a Case Brief (Foreign Court Judgements)” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 25th September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at National Symposium on ‘Changing Dynamics of Public Interest Litigation’ organised by The Moot Court Society of Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 5th September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, attended on International webinar on “COVID-19 and Existential Crisis” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 8th September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated in the National Webinar on “Indian Feminism” organized by Women Development Cell, K. J. Somaiya College of Science and Commerce, Mumbai. & Bharatiya Stree Shakti (B.S.S.) on 9th September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at Webinar on “Arbitration as Mechanism for Settlement of Cross Border Disputes: Investment Disputes of Non-State Actors V. States” organised by Colleges’ Society of International Law and Its Affairs on 3rd September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at Training Session on “Essentials of Writing a Case Brief” organised by Colleges” Society of International Law and Its Affairs on 25th September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at Webinar on “Basics of Double Tax Avoidance Arguments” organised by Colleges’ Society of International Law and Its Affairs on 3rd September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, Participated FICCI-RBS, webinar on “Shift to Hybrid Learning Model: The New Normal for Education”.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, completed ‘One Week Online Research Methodology Workshop on BFSI Sector’ organized under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), MHRD , New Delhi from 8th June, 2020 to 12th June, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, completed course on Contract Law from Harvard Law School.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at International Webinar REVIVE – 2020, ‘Rise above your Spirit’ organised by Team Rays of Nagindas Khandelwal College on 29th August, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, completed two week online faculty development programme on Managing Online Classes and Co-creating Moocs 3.0 organised by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan college (University of Delhi) (25th July – 10th august, 2020).
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at International webinar on “Good faith in contractual performance” organized by MCS, Law college Dehradun.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at Two – day online “National conference on Dimensions of Democracy” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law from 8th and 9th August, 2020.
- Ms. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at National webinar on “An Insight towards Assessment & Accreditation Process for Affiliated College in India organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)” Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University on 29th July, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at One Day National Webinar on ‘Same-Sex Love : Quest for Acceptance’ organised by Nari Gursahani Law College on27th July, 2020
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at Two Days Online National Level Literacy Programme organised by Kishinchand Chellaram Law College, Mumbai on 15th & 16th July, 2020
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, attended One-Day International Faculty Development Program on ‘Social Construction of Gender’ organised by Nari Gursahani Law College & Bombay Teachers’ Training College on 24th July, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, attended ‘Law and Literature: At Loggerheads, or in Harmony’, organised by CoHab Indian Diaspora Centre, Department of Law, University of Mumbai, and The WW University of Muenster, Germany on 18th July, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘IQAC- Its Role and Functioning’ by Dr. Nupur Mehrotra organised by SVKM on 19th July, 2021.
Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, Presented and Published Paper on topic “Corporate Social Responsibility and Businesses” Thakur College of Science & Commerce, Department of Economics & IQAC in collaboration with University of Mumbai organized online on 22nd May, 2021 on “The Rising Perspective of Sustainable & Creative Economy”.
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, presented and published Paper in Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (AIIRJ) Peer Reviewed And Indexed Journal ISSN 2349-638x Impact Factor 7.149. It was organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Dr. Patangrao Kadam Mahavidyalaya Sangli (Maharashtra), presented in Multidisciplinary International e-Conference On ‘Trends,
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, completed a National Level one week Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology, organised a Amar Seva Mandal’s Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalalya, Nagpur from 26th April to 1st May, 2021.
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, presented and published paper on ‘Impact of Covid -19 on Sustainable Development’ in One Day International Multidisciplinary E-Conference organised by Clara’s College of Commerce, Mumbai. on 20th April, 2021
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, Presented and Published Paper on “Overview of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016” organized by Thakur College of Science and Commerce, Department of Botany and NABARD in One Day National Conference on “Sustainable Development – A Green Approach” held on 6th March, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai & Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professors, participated at workshop under Legal Aid Committee on ‘The Domestic Violence Act, 2005: Complain Mechanism and Remedies’ conducted by Advocate Nausheen Yousuf in Collaboration with Amolakchand Law College, Yavatmal held on 30th March, 2021.
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, organised by Inter-National Webinar on “Covid-19 and Existential Crisis” on 8th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, presented & published a paper in one day Multidisciplinary International e-Conference on ‘Natural Resources and Sustainable Development’ organized by Balasaheb Mane Education Trust’s Rajarshi Shahu Arts and Commerce College, Rukadi (Social Sciences and IQAC) Tal-Hatkanangale, Dist-Kolhapur (Maharashtra, India) on the topic of “Corporate Social Responsibility” on 29th July, 2021.
Dr. Nutan Madiwal, Assistant Professor
- Dr. Nutan Madiwal, I/c Principal & Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar, Librarian, participated & present a paper on One Day Online International Multidisciplinary Conference on ‘Research Methodology in Economics, Library Science, Social Science, Pure Science, Management, Commerce, Home Science & Sport Science Higher Education System in India & Abroad’ organised by Shri Pancham Khemraj?Maha Vidyalaya,?Sawant wadi? held on 27th July, 2021.
Achievement of Faculty for the A.Y. 2020-21:
Dr. Navasikha Duara, I/c. Principal & Assistant Professor
- Dr. Navasikha Duara, attended 4 – day course on “Final Stage Preparation of AQAR for Affiliated UG/PG Colleges” organised by IQAC Cluster India in Collaboration with WhiteCode on 3rd May 2021 – 6th May 2021.
- Dr. Navasikha Duara, Assistant Professor, participated at the webinar on “Israel’s war on Gaza and International Law”, delivered by PhyIIis Bennis, Fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington DC, and of the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam organised by Centre for Study of Society and Secularism on 22nd May 2021.
- Dr. Navasikha Duara, Assistant Professors, participated at Webinar on “Arbitration as Mechanism for Settlement of Cross Border Disputes: Investment Disputes of Non-State Actors V. States” organised by Colleges’ Society of International Law and Its Affairs on 3rd September, 2020.
- Dr. Navasikha Duara Assistant Professors, participated at Training Session on “Essentials of Writing a Case Brief” organised by Colleges” Society of International Law and Its Affairs on 25th September, 2020.
- Dr. Navasikha Duara Assistant Professors, participated at Webinar on “Basics of Double Tax Avoidance Arguments” organised by Colleges’ Society of International Law and Its Affairs on 3rd September, 2020.
- Dr. Navasikha Duara, Assistant Professor, attended online webinar on ‘India’s Engagement with the World’ organised by SAIl on 12th August 2020.
Dr. Suman Kalani, I/c. Vice-Principal & Assistant Professor
- Dr. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, Invited as guest speaker for a ‘Koffee Conversation on Intellectual Property Rights: Know your IPR’ organised by Lions Club in association with My Taxguru on 25th June, 2021.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, Invited to judge 3rd National Mediation & Negotiation Competition, 2021 organized by Society for Young Advocates and Researchers (SYAR) in collaboration with the Association of Mediation Practitioners, Presolv360, CAMP Mediation and SCC Online.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, invited to deliver a lecture on ‘IPR and STARTUPS’ at the Institute of Company Secretary of India (ICSI) on 29th May, 2021 at the certificate course for IPR part of the Shahid ki Beti initiative for the education of the daughters of the martyrs who valiantly fought to protect the sovereignty of the nation till the last breath.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, awarded her Ph.D. on the topic “Online Dispute Resolution Mechanism in India: A study of its Acceptability, Applicability, and Feasibility” by the S.N.D.T University in May 2021.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, participated at One-Day National Conference on “Laws and Policies relating to Agricultural Sector in India” (Virtual) organised by Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow on 31st January 2021.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, participate at “Art Law and It’s Security Dimensions” organised by Rashtriya Raksha University, on 28th to 30th January, 2021.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, participated in 6th International Conference on ‘Law and Economics, 2020 (VIRTUAL)’ organised by National Law University, Bhopal and Indian Association of Law and Economics on 26th – 28th December, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended one week online ‘Certificate Course In Patenting System In India And Recent Developments’ organized by Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai DPIIT IPR Chair and Centre for Research in IP 14th -19th December, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Cyber Week 2020’ organized by ICODR, USA from 2nd November, 2020 to 6th November, 2020 as also a part of an Online Mediation Simulation.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, participated at Online Capsule Course on “Data Protection Laws in Selected Jurisdictions with Focus on Cross-border Legal Challenges” organised by Gujarat National Law University on 26 – 27 September, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended Conclave on ‘Transformational Reforms in Higher Education Under National Education Policy, 2020’ organised by University Grants Commission, Ministry of Human Resources Development Government of India on 7th August, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended webinar on “Shift to Hybrid Learning Model: The New Normal for Education”, organised by Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and Rajagiri Business School (RBS) held on 6th August, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended National Webinar Series on the ‘Consumer Protection Act, 2019, Rules and Regulation’ organised by the National Law School of India University, Bangalore from 21st to 26th August, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, completed two week online faculty development programme on Managing Online Classes and Co-creating Moocs 3.0 organised by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan college (University of Delhi) (25th July – 10th august, 2020).
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professors, participated at Two – day online “National conference on Dimensions of Democracy” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law from 8th and 9th August, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended a Webinar on “Two years of the Justice Srikrishna report: What next?’ to discuss the biggest challenges for privacy and data governance over the next few years” organized by IDFC Institute on 27th July, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended Global Legal Education Colloquium on the theme “Higher Education and Research in Law: Preparing the Next Generation of Legal Thinkers, Lawyers, Academics and Judges” organized by Jindhal Global Law School on 22nd July 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended a webinar organized by CUTTS on “Project Inception Webinar II – Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal – Enabling a Political Economy Discourse for Multi-Modal Connectivity (M-CONNECT)” on 14th July, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, completed 10-day course on Mediation: Theory and Practice organized by the Youth Bar Association of India from 10th July – 20th July, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, Completed Five Days Online Programme on Legal Research Methodology 6 July-10 July 2020 Faculty of Law University of Lucknow.
- Dr. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, invited as guest speaker
on ‘Clinical Legal Education through Online Dispute Resolution Mechanisms’ at the International Webinar on Clinical Legal Education and Access to Justice organised by Saveetha Law School Chennai.
Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor participated at ‘NAAC awareness program for Law Colleges’ organised by G. J. Advani Law College 5th June, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Five Days Faculty Development Program on Investment in Share Market’ organised by Shripatrao Kadam Vidyalaya, Shirwal and IQAC Department on 11th – 15th May 2021.
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at one day ‘International Interdisciplinary Online Conference on Recent Trends in Social Sciences Conference Schedule’ organised a S. P. Mandal’s Kankavli College, Kankavli on 18th April, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, present a paper on topic ‘Information and Communication Technology: New Age tool for a Lawyer’ on 18th April, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Seven Days State level workshop on ‘Research Methodology’ organised a AVM’s Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Degree College of Arts, Commerce and Science on 1st April to 7th April, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at seminar on ‘Intellectual Property Rights Public Policy in India’ organised Intellectual Property Rights Cell, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur in association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, RTM Nagpur University and Post Graduate Teaching Department of Law, RTM Nagpur University on 26th April, 2021.
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, presented a paper at online webinar “Internet of Things and Law” on the topic “Licensing of AI Applications in Healthcare” organised by Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai on 6th & 7th March, 2021.
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Seminar on ‘Challenges before Womanhood in Current Legal Order – National and International Perspectives’ organised by VPM’s Amolakchand Vidhi Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal on 8th March, 2021.
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Special Guest Lecture on ‘Water and Policy Challenges in India organised by Centre for Environmental Law, Policy, Education and Development’ organised by ICFAI, Dehradun on 22nd March, 2021.
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Interdisciplinary National Seminar on the topic ‘Arousing Outcome of Consumer Protection Law’ organised by Bharti Vidyapeeth’s, New Law College, Kolhapur and Sangli on 15th March, 2021.
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Webinar on ‘National Education Policy’ organised by Smt. P. N. Doshi Women’s College, SNDT University on 5th March, 2021
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Webinar on ‘Bahujan Streewad’ organised by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya, Mahad on 2nd & 3rd March, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Webinar on topic “Innovation & IPR” organised by Vivek College of Commerce, Department of Law & Business Communication on 8th February, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professors, participated at One Day National Webinar on “Revised Guidelines on NAAC” organised by University of Mumbai, Department of Commerce in association with (S.E.S) Swami Hansmuni Maharaj Degree college of Commerce, IQAC Department on 22nd February, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Special Guest Lecture on “Emerging Issues in Human Rights with Special Emphasis on Women and Child Rights” organized by ICFAI Law School, The ICFAI University, Dehradun on 29th January, 2021
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Conference ‘Communication at the Crossroads: Adapting to the New Normal’ organised by Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Pharmacy in Collaboration with Kohinoor Business School (RUSA sponsored) on 8th & 9th January, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Webinar (Interdisciplinary) ‘Use of E Resources in Higher Education’ organised by Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh College of Law on 2nd January, 2021.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated ‘Faculty Development Program Universal Human Values’ organised AICTE on 14th December, 2020 to 18th December, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Webinar ‘Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights’ organised by Amolakchand Vidhi Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal, and Maharashtra on 8th December, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Short term Course ‘Voices of Social Change’ organised by Laureate International Universities and International Youth Foundation on December 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at webinar Treasure Hunt in Traditional Knowledge: Legal Aspects, Challenges and Opportunities” organised by SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law, Centre for Corporate Laws and IPR on 4th December, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, completed One Day Certificate Course on ‘POCSO Act and Judicial Procedure’ organised by Public Concern for Governance Trust & District Legal Service Authority, Mumbai Suburban on 25th National Legal Services Day, 2020, on 9th November, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Webinar on “Politics in India” on 8th November, 2020 organised by Niti Manthan Campus Convenorship Program.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at International Webinar ‘Mediation: Procedure and Practices in Common Law and Civil Law Countries’ organised by School of Law, IMS Unison University, Dehradun on 7th November, 2020
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, Participated at National Level Webinar on ‘Designing Engaging Presentation for online Learning’ organised by Bhandarkar’s College on 6th November, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Webinar ‘Effectual Research Bibliometrics -Paving Way for Institutional Evaluation’ organised by Academy of General Education and Bhandarkar’s College on 12th October, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Vigilance Week ‘Certificate of Commitment and Integrity Pledge’ organised by Central Vigilance Commission on 29th October, 2020
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Memorial Lecture ‘Transforming the World: Sustainable Development Goals’ organised by ICFAI University of Dehradun on 16th October, 2020
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated in the Panel discussion on “Unmasking the effects of COVID -19” organised by CLPRS of Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 19th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professors, participated at National Symposium on ‘Changing Dynamics of Public Interest Litigation’ organised by The Moot Court Society of Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 5th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated in the International Webinar and Faculty Development programme on “Strategies to Write Good Research Article – Part II” organised by Centre for consulting, Training and Corporate Interface Indian Bureau of Administrators and Technocrats on 13th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professors, attended on International webinar on “COVID-19 and Existential Crisis” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 8th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professors, participated in the National Webinar on “Emerging trends in Human Rights” organised by Thakur Ramnarayan College of Law on 12th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated in the National Webinar on “Awareness and Use of Open Access Resources in Legal Education” organised by Hindi Vidya Prachar Samiti’s College of Law on 12th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professors, participated in the National Webinar on “Indian Feminism” organized by Women Development Cell, K. J. Somaiya College of Science and Commerce, Mumbai. & Bharatiya Stree Shakti (B.S.S.) on 9th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, attended webinar on ‘Current Economic Scenario and Road To Recovery’ organised by Kandivali Education Society’s B. K. Shroff College of Arts & M.H. Shroff College of Commerce on 18th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated in the National Webinar on “Legal Research & Research Writing” organised by K. C. Law College, Mumbai on 9th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated in the Webinar on “National Education Policy 2020” on 5th September, 2020 organised by KLE College of Law, Kalamboli, Navi Mumbai.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Online Quiz on ‘National Education Policy 2020’ organised by Sanskardham, Ahmedabad on 5th September, 2020 to 15th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National Webinar on “The Situation under Trial Prisoners and Access to Justice in the Context of Pandemic” organised by Thakur Ramnarayan College of Law on 5th August, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at Two Days National E- Workshop on ‘Various Fact of Media Law’ organised by ICFAI Law College, The ICFAI university, Dehradun on 7th & 8th August, 2020
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated in the Webinar on ‘The Menace of Fake News and Ways to tackle it’ organised by Hindi Vidya Prachar Samiti’s College of Law on 17th August, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘National webinar on consumerism & Financial Literacy in Covid’19 Times’ jointly organised by Post Graduate Teaching Department Law Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University & Consumer Guidance Society of India on 24th August, 2020
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professors, participated at Two – day online “National conference on Dimensions of Democracy” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law from 8th and 9th August, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Cyber Safety and Security Online Teachers Training’ organised by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Government of India and Indian Teacher Education Community, Indore on 26th -31st July, 2021.
Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at one day workshop on ‘Restructuring of Syllabus of Subject’ organized by Modern Education Society’s Ness Wadia College of Commerce, Pune on 7th June, 2021.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, invited as Evaluation Panel Member and Scientific Reviewer at 7th World Conference on Women’s Studies 2021 ‘Transnational Feminism – Contexts, Collaborations Contestations: Toward a Liveable Plant’ organized by the International Institute of Knowledge Management on 20th – 22nd May, 2021.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, attended two days National Symposium on ‘Cyber Space 2021 (NSC2021)’ organized by Department of Information Technology, University of Mumbai in association with Vivek College of Commerce on 27th & 28th May, 2021.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated in a workshop on ‘National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF)’ organized by Neville Wadia Institute of Management Studies and Research on 24th May, 2021.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor participated at National Level Webinar on ‘Feedback, SSS, Best and Distinctive Practices’ organised by PGK Mandal’s Haribai V Desai Art, Science, Commerce College, Pune, Maharashtra, In association with IQAC Cluster India and WhiteCode 19th to 21st May, 2021.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at Two Days Online International Conference on ‘Gender Mainstreaming: Global Perspectives’ organised by Bombay Teacher’s Training on 2nd – 3rd February, 2021.
- Dr. Mrs. Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, published a article on Journal:EDU CARE on Jan – Dec, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professors, attended Lecture on the topic, “Significance of Constitutional Values in the 21st Century” by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Kurian Joseph, Former Judge at the Supreme Court of India organised by Lex Macula on 27th of December, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘SEL for Students: A Path to Social Emotional WellBeing’ an online non-credit course authorized by University of Colorado Boulder and offered through Coursera on 2nd December, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Children’s Human Rights – An Interdisciplinary Introduction’ an online non-credit course authorized by University of Geneva and offered through Coursera on 30th November, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, Participated at ‘Introduction to English Common Law’ an online non-credit course authorized by University of London and offered through Coursera on 28th November, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Foundations of Mindfulness’ an online non-credit course authorized by Rice University and offered through Coursera on 28th November, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Introduction to International Criminal Law’ an online non-credit course authorized by Case Western Reserve University and offered through Coursera on 11th November, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘The Teacher’s Social and Emotional Learning’ an online non-credit course authorized by University of Colorado Boulder and offered through Coursera on 11th November, 2020.
- Dr. Mrs. Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Feminism and Social Justice an Online Non-Credit Course’ authorized by University of California, Santacruz and offered through Coursera on 28th October, 2020.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, invited to deliver a talk on the topic ‘Consumer Protection and Business in India – Legal Aspects’ as a part of the National Webinar on ‘Importance of Commercial Law for Today’s Business’ organized by Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics on 23rd July, 2021.
- Dr. [Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, Contributed a chapter Titled : ‘Enforcement of Environmental Laws and Policies-Judicial Trends in India’ in the book ‘Environment in 21st Century’ published in Kripa Drishti Publications (KDP) with ISBN 978-93-90847-57-0 in July, 2021.
Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professors participated at National Level Webinar on ‘Feedback, SSS, Best and Distinctive Practices’ organised by PGK Mandal’s Haribai V Desai Art, Science, Commerce College, Pune, Maharashtra, In association with IQAC Cluster India and WhiteCode 19th to 21st May, 2021.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professors attended 4 – day course on “Final Stage Preparation of AQAR for Affiliated UG/PG Colleges” organised by IQAC Cluster India in Collaboration with WhiteCode on 3rd May 2021 – 6th May 2021.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, participated at Interactive workshop on ‘Water Management’ organised by U.S. Consulate General, Mumbai on 12th – 16th April 2021.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, published a paper an “Economic to an Integrated Approach: Redefining Sustainability in Environmental Decision Making”, Edu Care Vol. IX (2) Jan -Dec 2020, ISSN 2319-5282, pp.5-10 – Co-authored. ( Dr. Sanjay Jadhav & Ms. Anju Singh)
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Environmental Management & Ethics’ an online non-credit course authorized by Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and offered through Coursera on 17th December, 2020.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, successfully completed 6 weeks Coursera Course on ‘Property and Liability: An Introduction to Law and Economics’ offered by Wesleyan University.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, successfully completed the two-month course on “Effective Documentation for Accreditation with Outstanding Grade” Organised by IQAC Cluster in collaboration with “White Code” from 15th September 2020 – 10th November 2020.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, attended the lecture on ‘Exploring the Aesthetics of an Asian-African Heritage through the Work of Sultan Somjee’ organized by CoHaB IDC collaboration with Dr. BMN College of Home Science (Autonomous) and the HR College of Commerce & Economics on 18th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professors, attended on International webinar on “COVID-19 and Existential Crisis” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 8th September, 2020.
Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant professor, participated at Online ‘Awareness /Sensitization Programme on Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960’ organised by RRTC under Center for the Study of Social Change in association with Mumbai District Co-operative Housing Federation & Habib Educational & Welfare Society’s MS Law College on 19th March, 2021.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant professor, participated in ‘E-Quiz’ organized by ‘District Legal Services Authority, Mumbai Suburban on International Women’s Day, 8th March, 2021.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh and Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at One Day National Webinar on “Revised Guidelines on NAAC” organised by University of Mumbai, Department of Commerce in association with (S.E.S) Swami Hansmuni Maharaj Degree college of Commerce, IQAC Department on 22nd February, 2021.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, participated at webinar titled, ‘Professional Communication and Personality Development at Workplace’ organized by Virtual School for Personality Development and Professional Skills & Knowledge Steez on 30th January, 2021.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, participated at National webinar on “Indian Feminism” organized by Women Development Cell, K. J. Somaiya College of Science & Commerce on 29th January, 2021.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, participated at National webinar on ‘Human Rights Issues in India’ organized by Department of History, Chhatrapati Shivaji Night College of Arts & Commerce, Solapur on 21st January, 2021.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, attended Webinar titled, “Senior Citizens and MWPSC Act”, organized by Regional Resource & Training Centre under Centre for Study of Social Change and SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 24th December, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended Webinar titled, “Article 32, Essence in Realm of Supreme Court Judgments”, organized by ASDM Legal and and CLPRS of SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 21st December, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, attended Online Refresher Course in ‘Social Sciences’ organized by UGC- Human Resource Development Centre of Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad held from 7th December, 2020 to 19th December, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended Lecture on the topic, “Significance of Constitutional Values in the 21st Century” by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Kurian Joseph, Former Judge at the Supreme Court of India organised by Lex Macula on 27th of December, 2020.
- 14. Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘First Term Training Programme in Extension Work Activities (Community Work) related to Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Industry Orientation, Status of Women in Society, Career Project, Population Education, Information Technology etc. for Extension Teachers & Student Managers in Online Mode’ hosted by K. J Somaiya College of Science and Commerce on 9th November, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, attended the guest lecture in conversation with Rahul Shrivastava, “A World through a Diplomat’s Lens”, organized by SAIL of Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 12th October, 2020
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended a National webinar on ‘Women Safety’ organized by Women Development Cell in association with Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension Unit of K. J. Somaiya College of Science & Commerce, Mumbai on 22nd October, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended a webinar on the topic, “Mediation: The Need of the Hour” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on the 23rd September, 2020
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended a webinar on the topic, “Valuations: A New Perspective” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 10th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended Training Session on “Essentials of Writing a Case Brief (Foreign Court Judgements)” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 25th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended on International webinar on “COVID-19 and Existential Crisis” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 8th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, participated in the National Webinar on “Emerging trends in Human Rights” organised by Thakur Ramnarayan College of Law on 12th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, attended webinar on ‘Sports Dispute Resolution’ organised by ADR HOC on 30th August, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, attended the webinar on ‘Menace of Cyber Squatting and the Intellectual Property Regulatory Mechanism’ held on 22nd August, 2020 organised by IP Assisto.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh,a Assistant Professors, participated at Two – day online “National conference on Dimensions of Democracy” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law from 8th and 9th August, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant professor, participated in three-day Workshop on “Introduction to Heartfulness Practices” organized by Mulya Pravah and IQAC of K. J. Somaiya College of Science & Commerce in association with Heartfulness Institute from 20th to 22nd July, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh Assistant Professor participated at National webinar on “An Insight towards Assessment & Accreditation Process for Affiliated College in India organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)” Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University on 29th July, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended One-Day International Faculty Development Program on ‘Social Construction of Gender’ organised by Nari Gursahani Law College & Bombay Teachers’ Training College on 24th July, 2020
Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professors, participated at ‘Developing Effective Rubrics for Course Assessment’ by Dr. Prachi Gharpure organised by Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal’s NMIMS – Oracle on Mumbai on 25th May, 2021.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professors, participated at ‘Understanding Basics of NAAC’ with Dr. Sharad Mhaiskar, Pro-VC, NMIMS University organised by Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal, Mumbai on 21st May 2021.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professors and Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar, Librarian, participated at National Level Webinar on ‘Feedback, SSS, Best and Distinctive Practices’ organised by PGK Mandal’s Haribai V Desai Art, Science, Commerce College, Pune, Maharashtra, In association with IQAC Cluster India and White Code 19th to 21st May, 2021.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professors attended 4 – day course on “Final Stage Preparation of AQAR for Affiliated UG/PG Colleges” organised by IQAC Cluster India in Collaboration with White Code on 3rd May 2021 – 6th May 2021.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, Published Response Piece in Law and Other Things, NALSAR Blog in the month of March, 2021.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, participated in the ‘Celebration of International Human Rights Day’ at H.S.N.C. Board’s K. C. Law College, Mumbai held on 10th December, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, attended UGC sponsored ‘Orientation Programme’ organized by Human Resource Development Centre, University of Mumbai from 17th December, 2020 to 7th January, 2021 at Mumbai.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant professor, completed ‘Write Professional Emails in English an Online Non-Credit Course’ authorized by Georgia Institute of Technology and offered through Coursera on 22nd October, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant professor, completed ‘Feminism and Social Justice an Online Non-Credit Course’ authorized by University of California, Santacruz and offered through Coursera on 23rd November, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, completed ‘Disability Inclusion in Education- Building Systems of Support an Online Non-Credit Course’ authorized by University of Cape Town and offered through Coursera on 11th November, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, attended DLLE First Term Training on 9th November, 2020.
- 15. Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, attended discussion by SAIL on the ‘Vietnam War’ on 21st November, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, Judged ‘Negotiation Competition of ILS Law College, Pune’ on 17th September, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professors, attended on International webinar on “COVID-19 and Existential Crisis” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 8th September, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professors, participated at Webinar on “Arbitration as Mechanism for Settlement of Cross Border Disputes: Investment Disputes of Non-State Actors V. States” organised by Colleges’ Society of International Law and Its Affairs on 3rd September, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, participated at Law + Literature Webinar organised by Mumbai university Literature Department on 20th August, 2020
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professors, participated at Two – day online “National conference on Dimensions of Democracy” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law from 8th and 9th August, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, completed the Course “Introduction to English Common Law”, University of Landon, Coursera, Chemerinsky on Constitutional Law: Individual Rights and Liberties’, University of California, Irvine, Coursera & Public Policy Challenges of the 21st Century, University of Virginia, Coursera.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, attended Webinar on “Role of Institutional Arbitration in India Post Covid’19 organized by ILSCA, ILS Law College, Pune on 6th June 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, attended International Webinar on “Climate Change- threat to Humanity” organized by the Dept. of Law, University of Mumbai on 5th June, 2020.
Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, completed a course Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking’ on 31st August, 2020 to 30th May, 2021.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, present a paper on topic of ‘The Notion of Home in Post-Partition Sindhi Literature: A Reading of Select Literary Works Presented at: National Webinar on “Hiraeth: A Wistful Longing for Home in South Asian Literature organised by: P. G. Department of English, St. Cyrill’s College, Adoor, Kerala on 10th March, 2021.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, completed course ‘Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments’ an online non-credit course authorised by Duke University offered through Coursera on 30th November, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, attended the ‘Tata Literature Live (Online Literature Festival)’ on 19th & 20th November, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, completed Coursera course ‘Sharpened Vision: A Poetry Workshop’ organised by California Institute of Arts on 18th October, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor organised the ‘Coursera Online Learning Programme’ since 14th September, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘ELTAI Teachers’ Day Celebration’ organised by English Language Teachers’ Association of India (ELTAI) on 3rd to 5th September, 2020
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, participated at “South-South Dialogues Renegotiating the Pedagogy and Praxis of Postcolonialities” organised by Department of English, SNDT Women’s University & Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalya, University of Calcutta on 28th & 29th September, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, published paper Partition, Migration and Identity: A Reading of Sundri Uttamchandani’s Deh Thyo Pardeh on 9th August, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Dr. Kavita Rai & Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professors, attended One-Day International Faculty Development Program on ‘Social Construction of Gender’ organised by Nari Gursahani Law College & Bombay Teachers’ Training College on 24th July, 2020
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professors, attended ‘Law and Literature: At Loggerheads, or in Harmony’, organised by CoHab Indian Diaspora Centre, Department of Law, University of Mumbai, and The WW University of Muenster, Germany on 18th July, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, attended National Level Webinar on ‘Education 4.0: Future Perspective of Learning’ organised by M. L. Dahanukar college of Commerce, Mumbai on 21st July, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, attended Four-Day Webinar on ‘Strategies for Effective Strategies for Assessing and Teaching’ organised by Gudavalleru Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh on 13th to 16th July,2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professors, participated at ‘Mental Health workshop’ organised by SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 5th July, 2021.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor, participated at Session on ‘Career Advancement Scheme’ organised by SVKM’s IQAC on 17th July, 2021.
Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Real Time Resilience in Covid Times’ organised by Department of Biotechnology, St. Edmund’s College on 28th June, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, completed a 4-Week Induction/Orientation Programme for “Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education” from May 18 – 17 June, 2021 and obtained Grade A+.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘How to Create and Edit Videos’ by Navin kumar Patil organised by Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal, Mumbai on 19th May, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at Orientation/Induction Program organised by Ramanujan College, Delhi on 18th May, 2021 to 17th June, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at ‘Developing Effective Rubrics for Course Assessment’ by Dr. Prachi Gharpure organised by Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal’s NMIMS – Oracle on Mumbai on 25th May, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at ‘Understanding Basics of NAAC’ with Dr. Sharad Mhaiskar, Pro-VC, NMIMS University organised by Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal, Mumbai on 21st May 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at Assurance of learning by Dr. Ramesh Bhatt completed on Oracle. As part of FDP : EVOLVE on 14th April, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at Faculty Development Program on ‘Online Tools & Techniques Used in E-Teaching Pedagogy’ organized by KES’ Shri. Jayantilal H. Patel Law College on 28th April, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at workshop under Legal Aid Committee on ‘The Domestic Violence Act, 2005: Complain Mechanism and Remedies’ conducted by Advocate Nausheen Yousuf in Collaboration with Amolakchand Law College, Yavatmal held on 30th March, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at webinar on ‘Gender Sensitization: Gender Equity beyond Gender Identity’ organised by Thakur Ram Narayan College of Law on 27th February, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor participated at 3 days webinar on ‘BTTC and FIT India’ by Dr. Nupur Krishnan’s Bio-Logics Nutrition Clinic, on 22nd to 24th February, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘PCGT Conlave – Public Concern for Governance Trust’organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 20th February, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at One Day National Webinar on “Revised Guidelines on NAAC” organised by University of Mumbai, Department of Commerce in association with (S.E.S) Swami Hansmuni Maharaj Degree college of Commerce, IQAC Department on 22nd February, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at Faculty Development Programme (FDP) organised by Kirit P. Mehta School of Law on 29th January, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at Two Day Online International Conference on “Identification of Principal Foundations for Global Peace” organized by Institute of Objective Studies on 23rd – 24th January, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at workshop on ‘E-filing’ organized by Placement cell of Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 23rd January, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at webinar on ‘Success Story of Medication’ organised by PGCL’s Centre for Conflict Resolution on 16th January, 2021.
- Dr Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at One Day National Webinar on ‘NAAC Criteria VI & VII: An insight in Revised Accreditation Frameworks of NAAC’ organised by IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) under UGC- Paramarsh Scheme on 4th December, 2020 conducted by K. J. Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce, Mumbai.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Legal Aid Services Authority: A Crusader for Rights of Individual’ organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law Legal Aid Committee on 10th November, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘International Webinar by Judge Joëlle Adda (President, UNDT, Former Administrative Judge, France) on the topic ‘Role of Administrative Judges in France’ organised by the Moot Court Society, Law College Dehradun faculty of Uttaranchal University on 11th November, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, completed ‘Introduction to Environmental Law & Policy an Online Non-Credit Course’ authorized by University of California, Santacruz and offered through Coursera on 30th November, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘Talk Fest on Cyber Security’ organised by Bombay Teacher’s Training College Women Development Cell on 5th November, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, attended a webinar on “Intent of Legislature:-Law in Sexual Violence in India” organised All India Lawyers Forum on 17th October, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, attended a National webinar on ‘Women Safety’ organized by Women Development Cell in association with Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension Unit of K. J. Somaiya College of Science & Commerce, Mumbai on 22nd October, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at Teacher’s Conference on “Empowering Educators” organised by The Institute of Companies Secretaries of India on 11th September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, attended a webinar on the topic, “Mediation: The Need of the Hour” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on the 23rd September, 2020
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, attended a webinar on the topic, “Valuations: A New Perspective” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 10th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Rai Assistant Professors, attended Training Session on “Essentials of Writing a Case Brief (Foreign Court Judgements)” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 25th September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at National Symposium on ‘Changing Dynamics of Public Interest Litigation’ organised by The Moot Court Society of Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 5th September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, attended on International webinar on “COVID-19 and Existential Crisis” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 8th September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated in the National Webinar on “Indian Feminism” organized by Women Development Cell, K. J. Somaiya College of Science and Commerce, Mumbai. & Bharatiya Stree Shakti (B.S.S.) on 9th September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at Webinar on “Arbitration as Mechanism for Settlement of Cross Border Disputes: Investment Disputes of Non-State Actors V. States” organised by Colleges’ Society of International Law and Its Affairs on 3rd September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at Training Session on “Essentials of Writing a Case Brief” organised by Colleges” Society of International Law and Its Affairs on 25th September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at Webinar on “Basics of Double Tax Avoidance Arguments” organised by Colleges’ Society of International Law and Its Affairs on 3rd September, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, Participated FICCI-RBS, webinar on “Shift to Hybrid Learning Model: The New Normal for Education”.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, completed ‘One Week Online Research Methodology Workshop on BFSI Sector’ organized under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), MHRD , New Delhi from 8th June, 2020 to 12th June, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, completed course on Contract Law from Harvard Law School.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at International Webinar REVIVE – 2020, ‘Rise above your Spirit’ organised by Team Rays of Nagindas Khandelwal College on 29th August, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, completed two week online faculty development programme on Managing Online Classes and Co-creating Moocs 3.0 organised by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan college (University of Delhi) (25th July – 10th august, 2020).
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at International webinar on “Good faith in contractual performance” organized by MCS, Law college Dehradun.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, participated at Two – day online “National conference on Dimensions of Democracy” organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law from 8th and 9th August, 2020.
- Ms. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at National webinar on “An Insight towards Assessment & Accreditation Process for Affiliated College in India organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)” Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University on 29th July, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at One Day National Webinar on ‘Same-Sex Love : Quest for Acceptance’ organised by Nari Gursahani Law College on27th July, 2020
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at Two Days Online National Level Literacy Programme organised by Kishinchand Chellaram Law College, Mumbai on 15th & 16th July, 2020
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, attended One-Day International Faculty Development Program on ‘Social Construction of Gender’ organised by Nari Gursahani Law College & Bombay Teachers’ Training College on 24th July, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professors, attended ‘Law and Literature: At Loggerheads, or in Harmony’, organised by CoHab Indian Diaspora Centre, Department of Law, University of Mumbai, and The WW University of Muenster, Germany on 18th July, 2020.
- Dr. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated at ‘IQAC- Its Role and Functioning’ by Dr. Nupur Mehrotra organised by SVKM on 19th July, 2021.
Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, Presented and Published Paper on topic “Corporate Social Responsibility and Businesses” Thakur College of Science & Commerce, Department of Economics & IQAC in collaboration with University of Mumbai organized online on 22nd May, 2021 on “The Rising Perspective of Sustainable & Creative Economy”.
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, presented and published Paper in Aayushi International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (AIIRJ) Peer Reviewed And Indexed Journal ISSN 2349-638x Impact Factor 7.149. It was organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Dr. Patangrao Kadam Mahavidyalaya Sangli (Maharashtra), presented in Multidisciplinary International e-Conference On ‘Trends,
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, completed a National Level one week Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology, organised a Amar Seva Mandal’s Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalalya, Nagpur from 26th April to 1st May, 2021.
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, presented and published paper on ‘Impact of Covid -19 on Sustainable Development’ in One Day International Multidisciplinary E-Conference organised by Clara’s College of Commerce, Mumbai. on 20th April, 2021
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, Presented and Published Paper on “Overview of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016” organized by Thakur College of Science and Commerce, Department of Botany and NABARD in One Day National Conference on “Sustainable Development – A Green Approach” held on 6th March, 2021.
- Dr. Kavita Rai & Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professors, participated at workshop under Legal Aid Committee on ‘The Domestic Violence Act, 2005: Complain Mechanism and Remedies’ conducted by Advocate Nausheen Yousuf in Collaboration with Amolakchand Law College, Yavatmal held on 30th March, 2021.
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, organised by Inter-National Webinar on “Covid-19 and Existential Crisis” on 8th September, 2020.
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, presented & published a paper in one day Multidisciplinary International e-Conference on ‘Natural Resources and Sustainable Development’ organized by Balasaheb Mane Education Trust’s Rajarshi Shahu Arts and Commerce College, Rukadi (Social Sciences and IQAC) Tal-Hatkanangale, Dist-Kolhapur (Maharashtra, India) on the topic of “Corporate Social Responsibility” on 29th July, 2021.
Dr. Nutan Madiwal, Assistant Professor
- Dr. Nutan Madiwal, I/c Principal & Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar, Librarian, participated & present a paper on One Day Online International Multidisciplinary Conference on ‘Research Methodology in Economics, Library Science, Social Science, Pure Science, Management, Commerce, Home Science & Sport Science Higher Education System in India & Abroad’ organised by Shri Pancham Khemraj?Maha Vidyalaya,?Sawant wadi? held on 27th July, 2021.
Dr. Navasikha Duara, Assistant Professor:
- Dr. Navasikha Duara, Assistant Professor, have written an article on ‘Pakistan Rhetoric on Abrogation of Article 370: Understanding the Complexities’ which was published in World Focus (English Edition) December – 2019 issue, ISSN 2230-5083 E-ISSN 2582-5083 RNI No. 3410/80.
Dr. Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor:
- Mrs. [Dr.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, invited as a Judge in Mr. & Ms. Democracy at the Competition conducted in the Democracy Week’ the ‘Prajatantra 2020’ at R. D. & S. H. National College and S. W. A. Science College, Mumbai on 27th January, 2020.
- Mrs. [Dr.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, attended ADR Summit and Case Management Workshop oragnised by NUJS, Kolkatta on 7th January, 2020 at Mumbai.
- Dr.[Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated in seminar on ‘Indian Constitution Law and New Challenges’ organized by Department of Law in collaboration with University of Mumbai Law Academy (UMLA) on 26th November, 2019.
- Dr.[Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated in seminar on ‘Role of Forensic DNA Technology in Enabling Justice’ jointly organized by School of Law, Tata Institute of Social Sciences and Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, KEM Hospital, Mumbai on 20th November, 2019.
- Dr.[Mrs.] Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor, participated at two days International Symposium for action “Is Mahatma Gandhi Possible?” organised by Department of History in collaboration with the Sewagram Collective, Kishinchand Chellaram College on 30th – 31st August, 2019.
- Dr. Geeta Kubsad, Assistant Professor participated at National workshop on ‘Copyright and Related Rights for Librarian and Professionals’ organized by Pravin Gandhi College of Law and Jitendra Chauhan College of Law on 21st September, 2019.
Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor:
- Ms. Suman Kalani was invited as resource person on the topic “IPR and Human Rights -Issues and challenges” on 8th February, 2020 at the Refresher Course on Human Rights conducted by the UGC Human Resource Development Centre, University of Mumbai” from 3rd February to 18th February, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani invited to guest lecture for Copyright Law – Overview on 25th February, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani attended two-day programme on “Common Law vs. Chinese Law: Focus On Invisible Factors & Contexts That Are Relevant to Legal Practice” Organised by United School of Law, Karnavati University.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, invited to deliver a guest session on ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ at Gurukul College of Commerce, Mumbai on 24th January, 2020.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended ADR Summit and Case Management Workshop oragnised by NUJS, Kolkatta on 7th January, 2020 at Mumbai.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor attended one day national level Workshop on ‘NAAC Peer Team Visit Preparations : Criteria Exhibition’ organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai on 12th December, 2019.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, invited as a resource person at the Workshop on IPR conducted SIA College of Higher Education, Dombivali on 7th December 2019 to take a session on Trademarks and Geographical Indications.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, invited as a resource person at the Seminar on IPR at the Mulund College of Commerce organized on 14th December 2019 to take a session on IP Creation to IP Protection.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended the ‘Roadshow on Competition Law and Practice’ organised by the Competition Commission of India (CCI) on 30th November, 2019.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, attended ‘4th Annual Insolvency Summit – 2019’ organised by Legal Era on 18th October, 2019.
- Ms. Suman Kalani, Assistant Professor, participated in the round table discussion on ‘Recent Updates on Mediation in Commercial Disputes’ organised by Centre for Mediation and Conciliation – Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 24th October, 2019.
Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor:
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma along with student visited National Lok Adalat at High Court of Bombay on 8th February, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor participated in a Seminar on ‘Dispute Resolution For Home Buyers’ organized by Consumer Advocacy Cell, Pravin Gandhi College of Law in association with Mumbai Grahak Panchayat on 18th January, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated in one day Seminar on ‘Data Protection: Legal, Technical and Information Security Perspective’ organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law in Association with Technology Law Forum on 28th January, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor attended conference on ‘She Matters – Redefining Health and Wellness for Women’ organized by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) at Mumbai on 25th November, 2019.
- Ms. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, attended a Workshop on ‘CBCGS system [60 – 40 Pattern] for Under Graduate Law Programmes under the Law Stream for Law College Principals and Faculty Members’ organized by New Law College on 23rd October, 2019.
- Mrs. Kavita Sharma, Assistant Professor, participated at National workshop on ‘Copyright and Related Rights for Librarian and Professionals’ organized by Pravin Gandhi College of Law and Jitendra Chauhan College of Law on 21st September, 2019.
Ms. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor:
- Mrs. Anju Singh edited & published & release the Monthly l’avocat Magazine on 28th February, 2020.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, attended one day national level Workshop on ‘NAAC Peer Team Visit Preparations : Criteria Exhibition’ organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai on 12th December, 2019.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, presented poster for Minor Research Project and successfully competed research on topic “Noise Levels in and around Educational Institutions in Juhu Vile Parle West: Legal and Educational Fallouts” at University of Mumbai on 18th December, 2019.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, attended conference on ‘She Matters – Redefining Health and Wellness for Women’ organized by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) at Mumbai on 25th November, 2019.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, invited as a panellist on discussion on ‘Courtroom Technology’ organised by Mumbai Legal Hackers on 23rd November, 2019.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, presented a paper titled ‘Arbitration Under Indus Water Treaty: Kishaganga Dispute’ and Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, presented a paper titled ‘Two-Tier Arbitration in India’ at seminar on ‘Emerging Dimensions of Arbitration Law in India’ organised by Department of Law, University of Mumbai Law Academy on 19th October, 2019.
- Mrs. Anju Singh, Assistant Professor, awarded the certificate for completing the course ‘Mindshift : Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential’ of McMaster University, USA.
Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor:
- Ms. Vidya Tewani edited & published & release the Monthly l’avocat Magazine on 28th February, 2020.
- Ms. Vidya Tewani, Assistant Professor attended a Workshop on ‘CBCGS system [60 – 40 Pattern] for Under Graduate Law Programmes under the Law Stream for Law College Principals and Faculty Members’ organized by New Law College on 23rd October, 2019.
Ms. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor:
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh along with student visited National Lok Adalat at High Court of Bombay on 8th February, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh along with students participated in UDAAN festival of DLLE.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, participated in a Seminar on ‘Dispute Resolution For Home Buyers’ organized by Consumer Advocacy Cell, Pravin Gandhi College of Law in association with Mumbai Grahak Panchayat on 18th January, 2020.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, attended RUSA Sponsored Orientation Programme organised by UGC Human Resource Development Centre, University of Mumbai from 2nd December, 2019 to 21st December, 2019 at Mumbai.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh Assistant Professor, participated in ‘First Term Training Programme for Extension Work Teachers & Student Managers’ organised by University of Mumbai, Department Lifelong Learning and Extension at B. L. Amlani College of Arts on 2nd July, 2019.
- Ms. Gazala Shaikh, Assistant Professor, attended a Workshop on ‘CBCGS system [60 – 40 Pattern] for Under Graduate Law Programmes under the Law Stream for Law College Principals and Faculty Members’ organized by New Law College on 23rd October, 2019.
- Mrs. Gazala Shaikh Assistant Professor participated at National workshop on ‘Copyright and Related Rights for Librarian and Professionals’ organized by Pravin Gandhi College of Law and Jitendra Chauhan College of Law on 21st September, 2019.
Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor:
- Ms. Apurva Thakur along with students participated in UDAAN festival of DLLE.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, presentation a paper on topic ‘Training the Trainers Using CBT to train students with Learning Disabilities’ organised by International Conference on Disability Paradigms, ILS Law College, Pune on 21st January, 2020.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor attended one day national level Workshop on ‘NAAC Peer Team Visit Preparations : Criteria Exhibition’ organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Mumbai on 12th December, 2019.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, participated in ‘Second Term Training Programme for Extension Teachers and Students managers’ organised by University of Mumbai, Department Lifelong Learning and Extension at Chandrabhan Sharma College of Arts, Science and commerce, Mumbai on 14th December, 2019.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, presented poster for Minor Research Project and successfully competed research on topic “Accessibility and Empathy: Altering Perspectives while Addressing Disability Laws with focus on Mumbai Region ” at University of Mumbai on 18th December, 2019.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, attended a seminar on ‘Social Inclusion’ organised by Youth for Jobs at University of Mumbai, on 20th September, 2019.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, was invited as a resource person to speak on ‘Preamble of the Indian Constitution’ at the Seminar on Indian Constitution organized by Pal Reajendra College of D.Ed. B.Ed on 28th August, 2019.
- Ms. Apurva Thakur, Assistant Professor, participated in ‘First Term Training Programme for Extension Work Teachers & Student Managers’ organised by University of Mumbai, Department Lifelong Learning and Extension at B. L. Amlani College of Arts on 2nd July, 2019.
Ms. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor:
- Mrs. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated in a Seminar on ‘Dispute Resolution For Home Buyers’ organized by Consumer Advocacy Cell, Pravin Gandhi College of Law in association with Mumbai Grahak Panchayat on 18th January, 2020.
- Mrs. Kavita Rai, Assistant Professor, participated in one day Seminar on ‘Data Protection: Legal, Technical and Information Security Perspective’ organised by Pravin Gandhi College of Law in Association with Technology Law Forum on 28th January, 2020.
Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor:
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor a paper present on “Mumbai Meri Jaan” in an International conference on “Transition and Transformation; cities in Life, Literature and Culture-Mumbai” at Kalina by Kaash Foundation, MU(IDOL)JJTU on 17th & 18th Fabruary, 2020.
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, organised a symposium of “Dying Declaration, Evidence act” on 22nd February, 2020.
- Resource Persons 1) Adv. BBTiwari 2.)Adv.Manan Sanghai 3)Adv.Sujit Shelar
- Mrs. Vanita Agarwal, Assistant Professor, arranged a National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) visit at churchgate for 4th Year Students on 25th & 26th February, 2020.
Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar, Librarian:
- Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar, Librarian, attended UGC sponsored orientation programme organized by Human Resource Development Centre, University of Mumbai from 20th January, 2020 to 8th February, 2020 at Mumbai.
- Mrs. Sarika Jaytakar, Librarian, participated in the one-day workshop for Librarians on ‘Implementation Challenges of RFID Technology & KOHA ILMS’ organised by SVKM’s NMIMS Mumbai on 10th August, 2019.
- Participated in two-day faculty development programme on ‘Research Methodology and Data Analysis using Advanced Excel’ organised by Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management on 12th – 13th December, 2017.
- Attended one-day workshop on ‘Latest Refinement in NAAC Guidelines with Accentuation on SSR Writing (July – 2017)’ organised by KLE Society’s Science and Commerce College on 13th January, 2018.
- Invited to be chairperson for a session on ‘Many Shades of Freedom and its legal processes’ organised by The Bombay Philosophical Society, Department of Philosophy, University of Mumbai on 9th February, 2018.
- Attended one-day workshop on ‘Free and Fee Based Law Databases: An Aid to Legal Research’ organised by Jitendra Chauhan College of Law and Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 24th March, 2018.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Judiciary and Religious Tolerance’ at two days’ seminar on ‘Religious Tolerance, Culture and Civil Society in Contemporary India’ organised by Institute of Indian Culture in association with Indian Council of Social Science Research on 6th – 7th March, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Attended half day workshop on ‘A Psychodrama’ organised by Tata Institute of Social Sciences on 21st February, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Presented a paper on ‘Disability Certificate, Higher Education and the Law’ at one day National Conference on Critical Reflection on Disability Sensitivity Legal Order: Indian Scenario organised by ILS Law College, Pune on 26th August, 2017.
- Participated in two-day faculty development programme on ‘Research Methodology and Data Analysis using Advanced Excel’ organised by Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management on 12th – 13th December, 2017.
- Participated in the One-day Faculty Orientation Programme on Criminal Law organised by the Centre for Regulatory Studies, Governance and Public Policy (CRSGPP) at The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS), Kolkata on 25th November, 2017.
- Attended the National Conference on ‘Environment – 2017’ organised by National Green Tribunal at NCPA on 2nd -3rd December, 2017.
- Attended half day workshop on ‘A Psychodrama’ organised by Tata Institute of Social Sciences on 21st February, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Attended half day workshop on ‘A Psychodrama’ organised by Tata Institute of Social Sciences on 21st February, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Participated in the “Train the Trainer Workshop” on “Designing and Implementing Mini-Moocs” under the Research Project ‘Innovative Research in Pedagogy with Mini-Moocs blended with instruction strategies to enhance quality in Higher Education” organised by Kirti M. Doongursee College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai and Thapar University, Patiala and Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) on 7th – 8th July, 2017.
- Participated in two-day faculty development programme on ‘Research Methodology and Data Analysis using Advanced Excel’ organised by Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management on 12th – 13th December, 2017.
- Attended the National Conference on ‘Environment – 2017’ organised by National Green Tribunal at NCPA on 2nd -3rd December, 2017.
- Attended ‘The Magnetic Maharashtra – Maharashtra Global Investment Summit: Convergence’ 2018 on 18th – 19th February, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Attended half day workshop on ‘A Psychodrama’ organised by Tata Institute of Social Sciences on 21st February, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Participated in the “Train the Trainer Workshop” on “Designing and Implementing Mini-Moocs” under the Research Project ‘Innovative Research in Pedagogy with Mini-Moocs blended with instruction strategies to enhance quality in Higher Education” organised by Kirti M. Doongursee College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai and Thapar University, Patiala and Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) on 7th – 8th July, 2017.
- Attended ‘The Magnetic Maharashtra – Maharashtra Global Investment Summit: Convergence’ 2018 on 18th – 19th February, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Attended the “Consultation on Role of Legal Aid Clinics of Academic Institutions in Securing Access to Justice for the Underprivileged” organised by TISS Legal Services Clinic, Mumbai on 27th September, 2017.
- Participated in two-day faculty development programme on ‘Research Methodology and Data Analysis using Advanced Excel’ organised by Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management on 12th – 13th December, 2017.
- Attended the National Conference on ‘Environment – 2017’ organised by National Green Tribunal at NCPA on 2nd -3rd December, 2017.
- Attended one-day workshop on ‘Latest Refinement in NAAC Guidelines with Accentuation on SSR Writing (July – 2017)’ organised by KLE Society’s Science and Commerce College on 13th January, 2018.
- Attended ‘The Magnetic Maharashtra – Maharashtra Global Investment Summit: Convergence’ 2018 on 18th – 19th February, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Attended half day workshop on ‘A Psychodrama’ organised by Tata Institute of Social Sciences on 21st February, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Attended the awareness programme on Prevention and ‘Prohibition on Sexual Harassment at work place’ organised by Women Development Cell of the college organised by Narsse Monjee College of Commerce and Economics in association with ‘POSH’ @ work on 16th September, 2017.
- Attended the conference on “2nd WomeNation Summit: Inspire for Action” organised by CII Indian Women Network – Western Region on 10th – 11th October, 2017.
- Attended ‘The Magnetic Maharashtra – Maharashtra Global Investment Summit: Convergence’ 2018 on 18th – 19th February, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Attended half day workshop on ‘A Psychodrama’ organised by Tata Institute of Social Sciences on 21st February, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Participated in the National Workshop on “Confronting Copyright: For Librarians and Academicians” organised by Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies on 14th October, 2017.
- Participated in two-day faculty development programme on ‘Research Methodology and Data Analysis using Advanced Excel’ organised by Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management on 12th – 13th December, 2017.
- Attended a seminar on ‘Fundamentals & Future of Dispute Resolution in ABC&T (Airport, Broadcasting, Cyber & Telecom)’ organised by The Telecom Disputes Settlement & Appellate Tribunal on 24th March, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Attended half day workshop on ‘A Psychodrama’ organised by Tata Institute of Social Sciences on 21st February, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Attended the International Conference on ‘Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration’ at ILS Centre for Arbitration (ILSCA), Pune on 4th -5th August, 2017.
- Attended the conference on “2nd WomeNation Summit: Inspire for Action” organised by CII Indian Women Network – Western Region on 10th – 11th October, 2017.
- Attended the National Conference on ‘Environment – 2017’ organised by National Green Tribunal at NCPA on 2nd -3rd December, 2017.
- Participated in ‘Second Term Training Programme for Extension Teachers and Students managers’ organised by University of Mumbai, Department Lifelong Learning and Extension at St. Francis Institute of Management and Research on 6th December, 2017.
- Participated in ‘Annual Extension Activities (Community Work) related to Values of National Integration, Secularism, Democracy, Socialism, Humanism, Peace, Scientific Norms etc. during the academic year’ organised by University of Mumbai, Department Lifelong Learning and Extension on 14th February, 2018.
- Attended half day workshop on ‘A Psychodrama’ organised by Tata Institute of Social Sciences on 21st February, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Participated in the National Workshop on “Confronting Copyright: For Librarians and Academicians” organised by Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies on 14th October, 2017.
- Participated in two-day faculty development programme on ‘Research Methodology and Data Analysis using Advanced Excel’ organised by Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management on 12th – 13th December, 2017.
- Participated in ‘Second Term Training Programme for Extension Teachers and Students managers’ organised by University of Mumbai, Department Lifelong Learning and Extension at St. Francis Institute of Management and Research on 6th December, 2017.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Parental Alienation Syndrome: Should Child Visitation Be A Fundamental Right? at one-day National conference on “Child Rights – A Reality Check organised by K. C. Law College on 20th January, 2018.
- Participated in ‘Annual Extension Activities (Community Work) related to Values of National Integration, Secularism, Democracy, Socialism, Humanism, Peace, Scientific Norms etc. during the academic year’ organised by University of Mumbai, Department Lifelong Learning and Extension on 14th February, 2018.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Parental Alienation Syndrome : Issue and a Challenge’ at the seminar on ‘Child in India : Issues and Challenges’ organised by VES’s College of Law, Mumbai on 24th March, 2018.
- Attended a one-day workshop on ‘Student Empowerment Program’ organised by University of Mumbai, Department Lifelong Learning and Extension on 20th March, 2018.
- Attended the conference on “2nd WomeNation Summit: Inspire for Action” organised by CII Indian Women Network – Western Region on 10th – 11th October, 2017.
- Participated in two-day faculty development programme on ‘Research Methodology and Data Analysis using Advanced Excel’ organised by Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management on 12th – 13th December, 2017.
- Attended the National Conference on ‘Environment – 2017’ organised by National Green Tribunal at NCPA on 2nd -3rd December, 2017.
- Attended one-day workshop on ‘Latest Refinement in NAAC Guidelines with Accentuation on SSR Writing (July – 2017)’ organised by KLE Society’s Science and Commerce College on 13th January, 2018.
- Attended ‘The Magnetic Maharashtra – Maharashtra Global Investment Summit: Convergence’ 2018 on 18th – 19th February, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Attended a seminar on ‘Fundamentals & Future of Dispute Resolution in ABC&T (Airport, Broadcasting, Cyber & Telecom)’ organised by The Telecom Disputes Settlement & Appellate Tribunal on 24th March, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Attended half day workshop on ‘A Psychodrama’ organised by Tata Institute of Social Sciences on 21st February, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Forest Produce & Empowerment of Tribal Forest Dwellers – A Human Rights’ Perspective’. which was published in compilation of one day Multi Disciplinary National Seminar on Human Rights and Tribal : Issues and Strategies for Empowerment’ [ISSN 2319 9318] organised by Nandubar Taluka Vidhyak Samiti’s College of Law, Institute of Legal Education and Research, Nandurbar.
- Attended one-day workshop on ‘Free and Fee Based Law Databases: An Aid to Legal Research’ organised by Jitendra Chauhan College of Law and Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 24th March, 2018.
- Presented a paper titled ‘Sustainable Development: National and International Perspective’ which was published in compilation of one-day National Seminar on ‘The Changing Paradigm of Environment Protection in India [ISBN NO: 978-1985710528] organised by Prof. Harihar Nath Tripatih Foundation, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
- Attended half day workshop on ‘A Psychodrama’ organised by Tata Institute of Social Sciences on 21st February, 2018 at Mumbai.
- Attended one-day workshop on ‘Free and Fee Based Law Databases: An Aid to Legal Research’ organised by Jitendra Chauhan College of Law and Pravin Gandhi College of Law on 24th March, 2018.
- Attended the awareness programme on Prevention and ‘Prohibition on Sexual Harassment at work place’ organised by Women Development Cell of the college organised by Narsse Monjee College of Commerce and Economics in association with ‘POSH’ @ work on 16th September, 2017.