Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal (SVKM) is a Public Charitable Trust registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and The Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950. SVKM has always been committed to the cause of providing high quality education at various levels. From its humble beginnings in 1934, when it adopted the Rashtriya Shala, a school established in 1921 in the wake of the National Movement; the Mandal today has grown into a large educational enterprise imparting high-level education to more than 32,000 students.

The ethos of the Mandal, is marked by patriotic fervour, selfless service and the spirit of indigenous enterprise, has its genesis in the days of India’s struggle for freedom.

About PGCL

Pravin Gandhi College of Law was established in the year 2004 by Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal (SVKM) to impart high quality legal education and to address the societal needs and the needs of the industry with the advent of globalisation. The college has been granted linguistic minority status for the Gujarati community.

Marcel Proust once said, “The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” This observation clearly enunciates the goals and objectives of SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law (5 Year Course). The institution recognizes the fact that there lodges within the heart of every student that spark of creativity that, is the essence of singularity in every individual. Beginning from this premise, the college structures its learning programme in order to identify, hone in on and unearth this reserve of creativity. To this effect the college harnesses modern methods of teaching which encourage students to learn inside and outside the classroom. This institution provides the students with varied platforms to develop their skills; by way of debates at the intra and inter collegiate levels; Seminars, workshops, trial advocacy through moot competitions, the Juris-cine club, L’avocat an in-house student’s newsletter which enables students to air their passionate concerns on issues, topical or otherwise, and innovative interactive methods of study in the classroom create an ambience that fosters intellectual growth.

This methodology intersects a legal education with a contextualization that embraces social, political and economic systems. An excellent faculty serves as a facilitator in helping students materialize this vision. It is this holistic approach to education that justifies the claim SVKM’s Pravin Gandhi College of Law makes, of being a law college with a DIFFERENCE. For at the end of their voyage of self-discovery students emerge confident, positive thinking individuals, ably equipped to discharge their assigned roles responsibly on a world stage.

The College Library, with its vast and eclectic collection of books and journals, satiates the thirst for knowledge of both staff and students and gives utmost attention to the overall development of the personality of students.

Students are also encouraged to participate in co-curricular activities and sports. While ensuring academic and co-curricular facilities to a vibrant student community, the institution is conscious of its role as a constructive and responsible component of the larger society. Its consistent and unstinting efforts in this direction are borne out by the fact that students enter the college, young, immature, uncertain, bewildered, but leave its portals still young, but much more mature, self-confident and focused, ready to lead rich lives of their own even while enriching that of society.

Vision & Mission Statement

Vision Icon


To be an institution of excellence in imparting law education in the country, catering to the needs of society by bringing out students who are sensitive to the societal needs and be zealous in upholding the rule of law with social compassion.

Vision Icon


  • To provide quality education in law emphasizing the relationship between law and society.
  • To inculcate the spirit of scientific enquiry and develop a problem-solving attitude.
  • To sensitize students to equip them to address the changing needs of society.
  • To create awareness among students towards sustainable development and to prepare them to be environmentally conscious citizens.

President's Message

India is in the initial years of a new millennium, making tremendous strides in the sphere of technological advancement, digitization and globalization. As a result of this change in dynamics the challenges she has to contend with are immense in the international arena. Academic institutions have a vital role to play in assisting the youth of today in realizing their potential in order to enable them to fulfill their destined roles on the world stage.

Shri Amrishbhai Patel


Principal's Desk

Raise The Bar

Greetings and Welcome. We are about to embark on a voyage, on a five year association, on a road less travelled. The Upanishads advise us, “If you have an hour to cut a tree spend three quarters of that time sharpening your axe”. For most of the five years at law college, we intend to use a whetting stone.

We often wonder what prompts youngsters, who are novices in contemporary law in making career decisions. How do they decide which college to opt for or for that matter would be the winning combination?

Dr. Navasikha Duara

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Infrastructure & Facilities

PGCL: Progressively spearheading research and teaching.

The interactive teaching methods are designed to aid comprehension and retention and aid for a lifetime. Our focus is to train the student to think and act from the very inception with a legal mind, acquiring lawyering skills for varied legal services in the modern world. The teaching methods provide rapid socialization into the standards of legal thinking and blends training with knowledge management.

“The only source of knowledge is experience.”
– Albert Einstine