
About the Library

The library is well-equipped with its collection and services, to cater to the curricula as well as research requirements of students and teachers in the law stream. Students have access to legal and non-legal journals, subject-related reference resource and a wide range of online services and programs which support and supplement the syllabus, enable unhindered, continuous research, hence promoting legal scholarship. Leading international and national law journals, law reports and magazines are subscribed by the college and are available to students. In addition to print collection, the library has electronic resources and databases accessible to students through links. The library also has an extensive general collection of books from the fields of literature, management, history, philosophy and so on. The books are classified and arranged on the shelves as per the latest Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme for quick and easy retrieval. The library is automated with Koha integrated library management system and is supported with the union catalogue of 27 libraries of SVKM and NMIMS in various campuses to support inter-library loan facility.

General Rules

1. Students are required to carry their PGCL (Pravin Gandhi College of Law) student ID Card for entry and use of the library.

2. This card must be used only by the student in whose name it is issued.

3. Students are advised not to leave their valuables at the Circulation Desk or in the Reading Hall.

4. The library is not responsible in case of damage to or theft of personal property.

5. Entry in the Entrance Register is mandatory in order to maintain library statistics for better services.

6. The library maintains closed access, and books and information will be provided on details sourced from the OPAC.

7. The use of mobile phones in the library is prohibited. Phones should be either switched-off or set on silent mode. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in a fine and/or expulsion from the library.

8. Consumption of food and beverages (with the exception of bottled water) and use of personal audio equipment is not permitted in the library. Photography, filming, videotaping and audio-taping in the library is not allowed.

9. Users are required to comply with Copyright Regulations as displayed by the photocopiers

10. Users are responsible for material borrowed on their cards and will be required to pay for any damage to, or loss of, material borrowed at replacement cost, in addition to an administrative charge.

11. The library is also monitored by Closed Circuit Cameras.

12. Any loss of Reading Ticket by a student must be reported to the Librarian. A fresh ticket can be requisitioned on payment of Rs.50/-.

13. There will be overdue charges of Re.3/- per day for General Section books, and Rs.50/- per day for a Reference Section books. All items are subject to recall, if another library user requires them.

14. The library computer is not for non-academic use.

15. Any violation of library rules will result in strict disciplinary action. Kindly cooperate with the library staff for serving you in a better way.

Reference and Study Room Section Rules

1. Books in the Reference Section such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, reports, periodicals, university handbook, question papers etc., will be issued to a student against his/her identity card only for reference purposes in the library.

2. These must be returned half an hour prior to the closing hours of the library.

3. The books, thus issued, must not on any account be taken out of the Library Hall, failing which a fine of Rs.50/- or more will be charged in such cases.

4. Current periodicals as well as past numbers and bound volumes of periodicals will be available only for reference in the library. Students should return the same to the spaces assigned to them in the library.
5. On return of borrowed books to the library, students should ensure that they reclaim and verify their identity cards.

Library Timings

  • Reading Hall Timings: 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
  • Circulation Counter Timings: Monday to Saturday: 08.00 a.m. to 08.00 p.m.
  • Library transactions, such as issuance and returning of books close half an hour before the closing time.
  • The library is also open on Sundays and on all Public Holidays, during University Exams.