About the Committee

The Centre for Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Technology Laws(CRAIT) aims to recognize and adapt to the prodigious augmentationand evolution of the cyberspace. CRAIT was founded with the intent todevelop a community of students, lawyers, technology professionals,academicians, researchers, law making and enforcement agencies tocollectively explore, question, analyse and ideate over dynamic andmultifarious aspects of the digital realm. The centre believes inpromoting the indispensable rooting of digitisation in the legal worldby encouraging the intrigued minds to establish mastery over theintricacies of this ever-growing field of law.


Dr. Suman Kalani Faculty Convenor

Students Core Committee Members

Ms. Vansika Shah Convenor
Ms. Nivedita Karmakar Co-Convenor
Mr. Sahil Gala Member
Ms. Mosam Patel Member


Academic Year – 2023-24

  1. Seminar on Cyber Crime, Cyber Security & Cyber Forensics for Law Enforcement Officers, Legal Professional, Managers & Students 19th August, 2023
  1. Certificate Course in Aritifical Intelligence and Law  in collaboration with Technology Law Forum  – 2nd October to 11th October