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Constitutional Law and Policy Reform Society (CLPRS)
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CLPRS – Constitutional Law and Policy Reforms


The Constitutional Law and Policy Reform Society (CLPRS) believes that a strong democratic society depends on its citizens’ ability to comprehend the intricate details of constitutional law and policymaking. CLPRS seeks to involve and spread knowledge of constitutional law  through discussions, interactive lecture series, workshops, seminars, and debate competitions.

 CLPRS provides students and faculty of Pravin Gandhi College of Law, a platform to participate in a deep-dive of constitutional tenets. It  offers a forum where current laws and policies are examined with the goal to suggest changes to existing law and to policy. 

 CLPRS organises activities such as annual debates, discussions on recent constitutional developments, policy changes; conducts guest lectures by judges and practioners of law. These events help students refine their debating, research, and oratory skills.


2023-2024: Highlights



1. Independence Day Celebration

Student volunteers gathered to celebrate the Independence Day and to invoke among the students a sense of pride for our National Space Mission and ISRO. The members of the Committee delivered insightful presentation in all classes about the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and its remarkable accomplishments. To provide a deeper understanding of ISRO's journey, the committee screened a video detailing the growth and achievements of India’s space programme.  The video was well received and generated pride for our Nation in the hearts of the audience. As a poignant conclusion to the program, the speakers recited an original poem that beautifully captured ISRO's inspiring voyage. The event ended with a rendition of the National Anthem, symbolizing unity and generating patriotism.



2. 1st Intra-Policy Drafting Competition

The 1st ever intra-drafting policy competition by SVKM’s PGCL was organised by CLPRS. The Competition aimed to introduce the students to policy drafting and its nuances. The aim of the competition as per the topic was to draft a policy that provided workable practical solutions for epidemics in India. The Committee also organized a pre-workshop on the Basics of Policy Drafting to provide participants with the knowledge concerning policy drafting and to familiarise them with the skills necessary to effectively draft, review, and refine policies. in The Policy Drafting Competition to be organized by CLPRS allowed participants to express their ideas and solutions on major health issues.


3.  Discussion on recent legal & constitutional issues/developments:

Discussion on the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Services Act, 2023 by the members of the Committee. The objective of the discussion which was to familiarize the participants with the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Services Act, 2023, and various aspects of the Act.

The Committee covered all important aspects that lead to the passing of the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Services Act, 2023 and critically analysed the salient features of the Act in light of federalism in India.



4. Celebrating Gandhi Jayanti

The committee members made posters related to the ideologies and movements led by Gandhiji. The posters consisted of some images, slogans, and related things that could explain the ideology followed by Gandhiji .  The posters consisted of topics like Civil disobedience, Salt Satyagraha, Non-cooperation, Champaran movement, Nonviolence, Passive Resistance, etc.

The event provided the attendees with insights into the Gandhian ideologies of peace and non-violence, and how it is evident even in modern times.


5. Celebrating Constitution Day:

The committee members recorded Audio files related to the various provisions of the Constitution, these audio files were put up in the college library where everyone could access them easily.

The Committee, also, conducted a webinar on the topic “Hon’ble Justice Chat Gpt: Tech Disruption and Constitutionalism” the objective was to provide information about the use of AI and its applications in legal work and to explore the relationship between law and technology. The keynote speaker for the event was Mr. Govind Manoharan, Advocate on Record, Supreme Court of India.


6. Blogs and Recommendations

The committee every month issues call for blogs on any contemporary socio-legal or constitutional law issue, wherein, the students send their original research work. The committee also published recommendations on constitutional issues and provides a link for the same so that everybody could read and be aware about constitutional amendments, developments and debates.